Keski-Suomi, FinlandAnton1034 years ago

I'm still waiting answers to this problem if anyone has solved it. I wanted to wake this thread up

Keski-Suomi, FinlandAnton1035 years ago

I don't know other benefits about 1.01 but it supports 1920x1080 resolution, which is really good

Ryanlima gefällt das.
Keski-Suomi, FinlandAnton1035 years ago

Yeah. It's so weird and I can't do a run with es dupe if it's already 50/50 if it gets unstuck and top of that, it doesn't even flip

StowawayRUNNER gefällt das.
Keski-Suomi, FinlandAnton1035 years ago

I have this weird problem with ES dupe dumper where every time those duped dumpers gets unstuck, the other one which is usually used during the mission to brake containers, gets stuck sideways and the only way I was able to move it is to crash into its wheels and it usually catches fire and doesn't flip. Have anyone else faced this problem and is there any solutions to fix it? I've tried to reinstall the game but it didn't work.

Keski-Suomi, FinlandAnton1035 years ago

alright that makes sense. Must be extremely lucky to get perfectly timed phonecall + indicator + mission start randomly in a run🤔

Ark gefällt das.
Keski-Suomi, FinlandAnton1035 years ago

I can't remember seeing progress with denise bar before or at any point. Maybe also because I don't pay attention to that. But how I can be able to get phonecall if the call timer start after game sets your to OM0 when passing the mission (e.g Los Sepulcros) and there is that 15s-1min phonecall timer and I was not that long in OM0 there. I can also link full video of my ls if you want to.

Ark gefällt das.
Keski-Suomi, FinlandAnton1035 years ago

I was just normally trying to do any% run and ran to Home Invasion start marker and then I suddenly realised that I somehow duped the mission. I swear I didn't have OnMissionChanger in background or anything. Does anyone have any explanations why it happened? I played normal PCJ replay right before it to minimize fade out time. I tried to do it again and did same things but no. If someone wants to investigate it more, go ahead. Never seen anything like this. Here's a video of it

Mago_77, Ark und 2 Andere gefällt das.
Keski-Suomi, FinlandAnton1035 years ago

Put your GTA into SSD Drive and it should fix the problem.

AlmostBlindDude gefällt das.
Keski-Suomi, FinlandAnton1036 years ago

Yeah I just found it. Thanks anyways

Keski-Suomi, FinlandAnton1036 years ago

Is there a practice tool that gives you dupe setup phone call that you can hold so you don't have to do duping setup every time you want to practice any dupe?

Keski-Suomi, FinlandAnton1036 years ago

I got few questions about cutscene% category. First of all cutscene is defined as something that is not interactive, where you do not have control, which means you are able to skip phonecall since you have control of CJ when you're speaking to phone. Next question is are you able to dupe missions if you just watch cutscene of the mission you begin? Then what if you accidentally skip a cutscene, is it then rejected run or can you just fail the mission and watch it then?

Keski-Suomi, FinlandAnton1036 years ago

Well you can find that strat under this post too then.

Keski-Suomi, FinlandAnton1036 years ago

You can save up to 20 seconds in Blood Bowl dupe setup if you pick up the markers and you get extremely lucky with spawns. This strat is not recommended since usually there's other cars ramming to you which makes it a lot harder. Also you can use this only once because after the first stage, you are required to accumulate 2 minutes worth of time to pass the mission instead of 1. In this video first clip is the normal strat and second one is the improved strat

Iam_cris gefällt das.
Keski-Suomi, FinlandAnton1036 years ago

Yeah it was on my HDD so I switched it to SDD and it's fixed. Thanks

Keski-Suomi, FinlandAnton1036 years ago

I have an issue where my game frozes for about 1 second everytime I play a replay. I've started using replays quite a bit in my runs but that problem makes some replay not worthy even playing. Does anyone have a fix for this? Here I have a video example at the end of TUT

Keski-Suomi, FinlandAnton1036 years ago

Is there any way to prevent dumpers to get stuck inside each other and explode and fail the mission or do you just need luck? I got video about it.

Keski-Suomi, FinlandAnton1036 years ago

if I use AutoHotkey, how do I type the script that does the trick?

Keski-Suomi, FinlandAnton1036 years ago

I tried to find replay button binds from settings but didn't find so I want to know if there is way to bind it better because it is sometimes hard to press F2 or F3 during the run

Keski-Suomi, FinlandAnton1036 years ago

Do I have to put 1 core everytime I start the game?

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