The game were supposed to run at 60FPS, any value higher than that will caused the game to sped up and slower down if worse
As far as I remember, v-sync put FPS of the game at the same value of your monitor's refresh rate. If your desire were getting 60FPS, I highly recommended changing the refresh rate in Display settings.
NG+ does only start when you hit the save file, and end the same with Any%. But requirement for NG+ is you must show the process pre-run, otherwise that should be rejected.
Hello, it's me, @hikarutetrio again! Over the past month, I've been trying to found a specific route for her (with big help from @suittyo) but not progress much. If anyone has a good idea to developing strat on Mist% then call me up. Thank you.
that was doing off stream lol 5 minutes to lunch and i decided to attempted it
The route is up.
monkaX iron drop chances
Hello everyone, hikarutetrio here! I've been running and researching a lot on this category, but I never able to finish the game for one reason: too long to play So, I try to found something that can be a major thing to cut times out. Fortunately, I did, and it's from a mysterious Japanese runner. Source: I'll talk more about it when I picked up good run, so I'll see you next time. hikarutetrio out.
I'd say, this kind of grinding frustrated me a lot. Nothing is impossible. This run wasn't perfect, and I'm too tired to gaming now, so I'll let it to another day.
I've been testing much with it, and it seems like to give too many informations to the runner, and yes, it's much easier to get the key items if done right. If it's not bannable, then i'll try to push the limit in Any%.
It seems like 2:30 is possible, but i'm not sure when. New developments still WIP, but sure i'll try to get more timesaves in a day or two. I haven't submit my 2:41 yet, cause Rosael will not checking the page until next month.
As now I broke my own WR with that skip, what next, to get 2h49m? I've watched Anwonu's Any% run back in 2013-2015, and it seems in order to get faster times, we should raise Shara's affection and make progress in the main story at the same time. I need to do some math about how did the gear cost each phase, to make better investment in both time and money.. Anyway, that's it! The world record has lowered down to 2:53:06 30min ago.
For now, 100% isn't possible for a speedrun, but let's see... I'll do a demo about No Chemistry Set run today, it might save some time.
All Bosses (5 main bosses, and the rest is came from Labyrinth) 100% (Get everything in the game we possibly can, but it's kinda... impossible?)
Everything looks fine now, but if you can remove the "bachelorettes selection" in the filter and make it seperate as an option in the Any% then it should be better. (Same with Any% Glitchless) (I've checked the SoS: FoMT leaderboard, and yeah I don't really know how to describe that)
It's a good idea, since manage 14 categories for a game sounds really bad, consolidating all the categories exist into Any% and adding Any% Glitchless would be the best. I put a lot of effort on this new category, so I hope in the future there will be more runners into this game.
You could check out, though i'm rarely stream..