Lauf: F-Zero GX
Massachusetts, USAAKC1210 months ago

Adjusted final time to align with the rule for adding time after a reset. Added on 2'06"000 for the chapter 6 attempt instead of 2'06"216

After the timer reaches 21s, the time will be added as whole numbers. For example, if the reset occurs at 00'23"986, 23s will be added to the total time.

Elite_Spud gefällt das.
Thread: F-Zero GX
Massachusetts, USAAKC122 years ago

I recently verified a 50 HZ Ruby Cup run. Since GX goes by in-game timing now, I've added a new cup called Ruby Cup 50 HZ for the time being.

I presume the ideal way to go about this would be to create 50 HZ versions of the categories.

For the categories done in the time attack and GP modes, the current rules don't explain how to calculate IGT if a run uses a retry. I suppose to keep things consistent it should be the same as how it is done in story mode?

Thread: F-Zero GX
Massachusetts, USAAKC122 years ago

The machine's speed and position influence the final time. The milliseconds can be any of the possible digits for it.

I see no issue with enforcing the order of the chapters. Don't think there are any runs that deviate from that in any GX leaderboard currently.

Thread: F-Zero GX
Massachusetts, USAAKC122 years ago

I've started calculating IGT for the story mode runs and editing them into the runs. If anyone can chip in that would be helpful.

We probably want to sort by IGT, starting with the story modes. CGN's any difficulty story mode run has a faster IGT than supersanic's despite CGN's real-time being a second slower.

As for the Japanese story runs, I suppose if the video is 30 FPS, we take the time on the final frame before it crosses the line, and then add 2 frames to the recorded time. If its 60 FPS, add 1 frame. The disadvantage at most for 30 FPS videos would be at most 18 frames, or 0.3 of a second, but realistically the disadvantage would be more or less half that on average if I had to guess. Maybe there's some flaw with doing it this way though, or should one frame be added for 30 FPS, and 0.5 frame for 60 FPS? What do you guys think?

As for retries, 30 seconds per retry seems reasonable considering the potential runs you can get in chapters 2 and 9. Perhaps 20 seconds is still okay. If your IGT when you pause is greater then we'll add that time instead. As long retrying means you have pretty much no shot of getting the IGT WR then I think that's for the best.

ArtfulHobbes gefällt das.
Lauf: F-Zero GX
Massachusetts, USAAKC122 years ago

The video skips around often. Will verify regardless but try to fix this in the future.

Thread: F-Zero GX
Massachusetts, USAAKC123 years ago

Here's discussion from Zeroken and Valyssa regarding this. I'm not sure if having the penalty for retrying be simply the in game timer when you pause. Maybe it can be taken advantage of to try to nail a difficult strategy that happens at the very beginning of a run. Maybe a minimum time penalty should be considered?

Zeroken — 12/02/2021 ・I think it is desirable to compete in IGT. ・One idea for the NTSC-J version is to check the frame just before the goal to get a close clear time. ・Regarding retries, how about adding a penalty, or prohibiting retries in the speedrun like Metroid Prime speedrun? ※I'm writing this using computer translation, sorry Valyssa — 12/02/2021 If the recording is 60 FPS then that's doable yeah I don't think we should probibit retries, that would invalidate existing runs and create an entry barrier Zeroken — 12/02/2021 or how about adding a game time when retrying a mission, until the mission failed/pause menu is opened? Valyssa — 12/02/2021 I think that's the best idea yeah. So if you reset after 10 seconds, you only get a 10 second penalty. We just need the video quality to be high enough to always see the timer

limga gefällt das.
Thread: F-Zero GX
Massachusetts, USAAKC123 years ago

The only somewhat problematic thing about switching to IGT is that the JP version of the game does not display the clear time at the end of the chapter. We would either be forcing them to play on a non-JP version of the game or estimate their times somehow.

If we do want to continue with the switch, what should be the penalty for retrying?

Perhaps the switch to IGT should be global, not just for the story mode categories.

limga gefällt das.
Thread: F-Zero GX
Massachusetts, USAAKC123 years ago

Perhaps instead of my prior suggestion, we could instead create a filter that could be called either Ruleset, Mode or Style where if a player wants to submit a snaking run, they would select Snaking from this column. And then Max Speed would be its own separate ruleset from Expanded Max Speed.

Or if it is better to have these runs be more separated, we can do what other games have done and include buttons that would split the runs by the ruleset like shown here: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/258166194358583297/855076302909210664/unknown.png

Edit: Except that other tabs have this already for the individual cups and story mode difficulties. Might be a bit cumbersome to have to change that structure.

FighBat, limga, und Ivory gefällt das.
Thread: F-Zero GX
Massachusetts, USAAKC123 years ago

I am thinking we can add a new column/filter for those who want to stick to the traditional max speed rule. I propose allowing settings as low as 70%. I would link the thread where I explain the merits of this but the FZC forum containing that thread is still not available.

Also it would feel a bit bad to reject the current run pending from a newer player due to this.

limga und Ivory gefällt das.
Massachusetts, USAAKC126 years ago

I'm in, and yeah I'm for playing for cash

Massachusetts, USAAKC126 years ago

Any open spots? I'll be staying from Monday until Sunday.

Massachusetts, USAAKC127 years ago

Arriving on the 21st, leaving on 27th. Looking for up to 2 more roommates

Massachusetts, USAAKC128 years ago

I'll be staying overnight starting on Thursday night and I'll be leaving on Sunday (3 nights total). I could join your room Madtaz64.

Otherwise I don't mind sharing a king bedroom since I'm perfectly okay with sleeping on the chair.

Thread: F-Zero GX
Massachusetts, USAAKC1210 years ago


I decided to make this because this website currently does not have some of WR videos for some of the categories and there are some other categories that aren't included. Some of them are slight variations, mainly the story mode on hard category. Then there's the 100% category, which is a category in most other games I would assume. Also there are the slightly more gimmicky categories.

Now, is it possible to submit a run in behalf for someone else if the runner ends up not submitting his world record run here (after getting their permission of course)? Or can a mod add in a time+video them self?

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