Uzbekistan23edsa6 years ago

Hi! thanks! Just tested it and it runs fine, displays inventory and my HP, I checked it on G4 save and for some reason it had like 25 million HP or something along those lines and died when lost 1% of HP is it something special about G4 or Im getting the wrong readings? @Squirrelies

Uzbekistan23edsa6 years ago

What is a scaling factor? I didnt do anything just downloaded the app and tried to run it

Uzbekistan23edsa6 years ago

@Squirrelies this is the error Im getting with the recent version


Scrymen und Squirrelies gefällt das.
Uzbekistan23edsa6 years ago

@Squirrelies Thanks, the program now runs, but closes as soon as I run the game. Or instacloses if I run it while game is up https://i.imgur.com/vrTYTgz.png

Uzbekistan23edsa6 years ago

@Squirrelies This is the error I assume, sorry its in russian, but I hope you can figure it out? https://i.imgur.com/vUktenq.png

Squirrelies gefällt das.
Uzbekistan23edsa6 years ago

Will try that as soon as I am at home

Uzbekistan23edsa6 years ago

Where do I look for those? Sorry I am not that level of tech savvy No errors appear as I run the app as a separate window if you are asking about that, just nothing happens

Uzbekistan23edsa6 years ago

Hi! I tried running this app, and even with latest framework set up, Im getting a screen flash and nothing runs. Do I need something additionally installed?

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