Timing Clarifications
Timing Clarifications
Veröffentlicht 1 year ago von

Timing Clarifications

If timings change, this post will be updated or recreated and an announcement will be made. Please take the time to read this post if you're unsure about when to start and stop timing. The current auto-splitter is not necessarily designed for every category.

Cheat% / 51 TE GS

Cheat% and 51TE GS timing begins as soon as the first input is made to start a new game. This is on the new game autosave screen on PC and new consoles or the continue without saving screen on old console. Once the input is pressed, the UI will disappear and the screen will fade to black before starting the intro cutscene. The first frame with no UI is the frame immediately after the input to start the game and, therefore, should be counted as the first frame of the run.

The end of the run for these categories will always be in Final Battle when the doomerang hits the trigger to end the level. When this happens, the game will trigger a load into the credits level. Due to memory leaks and general instability, the 'New Patch' PC release which is used for 51 TE GS has a chance to crash during the load into the credits level. To avoid runs being invalidated by this, the first frame after the doomerang hits the trigger should be used as the end of the run. This is easily spotted as the first black frame in a video of the run just before the fade in to display the boomerang loading screen.

Cheat% All Levels

Cheat% All Levels uses the same start and end timings as Cheat%. You are only required to visit the 9 main stages. The stages may be visited in any order but must include Two Up, Walk in the Park, Ship Rex, Bridge on the River Ty, Snow Worries, Outback Safari, Lyre Lyre Pants on Fire, Beyond the Black Stump, and Rex Marks the Spot. You may use any method to reach these levels and their exit portals. Once all 9 levels have been visited and exited through their portals, you must get to the ending credits. Excluding the level select cheat, use of in game cheats is allowed and encouraged.


One-rang uses the same start and end timings as Cheat%. You must reach the ending credits without ever collecting the second boomerang in Two Up. It should be noted that newer versions of the game remove your ability to change rang if you have not collected the second boomerang. Since changing rang is required in Final Battle to complete the game, only old consoles and an old build of the PC version can complete this category. See resources for the old build of the PC release.


Nopals uses the same start and end timings as Cheat%. You must reach the ending credits with an opal count total of 0. If an opal is collected at any time, you are allowed to exit to the main menu and reload the level, removing any progress since the last auto-save. Collecting an opal does not immediately invalidate the run. The run is only invalidated if that opal collection is saved to the game file.

Collectible Categories

The collectible categories include any category whose name follows the convention:


These categories all use the same start timing as Cheat%. The end time for these categories is the exact moment that the game info screen would show all of that collectible as collected. This is when the final collectible is collected. A save game is not required. Exiting the level is not required. You are only required to collect the specific collectible type specified by the category. In All Bilbies and All Opals for example, you are not required to collect the Thunder Eggs associated with collecting all of the Bilbies or Opals in the level.

Cheat% All Picture Frames

To make the category more unique compared to Max%, use of cheats is allowed. Whilst the level select cheat is not allowed, there is a cheat which opens the bonus world portals. This cheat would have to be entered twice.

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