New game+ question
8 years ago
Limburg, Netherlands

I got a serious question about the NG+ prepping.

Since you got this unnamed gear that basicly makes everything insanely good/OP(for example less cast time or 20% chance at firedamage X8) it wil probably make a decent impact on early game as Itoshira has said in the past to me. so i wanted to get this legit but to my regret it got corrupted:( needed 4 more skills at X2 to start creating my gear. i got setback 2 NG+ and i cannot be bothered but i have found a way to make it 10x easier and i want input on it if its frown upon or not. using this cheatengine sheet you can literally change any and all skills on the weapon including if it has A.ATK and Focus(for example) and howmuch. Obviously the unnamed gear have like a +10 at any point in time except Rose's daggers which comes at +5 instead due to having 2 of them. Also it can make an infinite amount of items including herbs so if this would be allowed maybe restrict the amount of stat boosts you may have from herbs(?) can always verify if needed through handing over the save file.

wil it be frown upon/not allowed to make the gear that way? i want to get a really good time in NG+ but its simply an incredibly long and stupidly long grind to start on even the equipment.

just wanted to bring this to light since that was a general complaint about NG+ for me.

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

This is a topic that is kinda splitted in opinions but following will be the handling about this from moderation-side:

First and foremost it will be important to be discret about it. Since we dont have splitted categories for console and PC it is an unfair advantage and we also dont wanna split them into seperate categories.

So as long as it is not obvious that a cheat engine was used to gain illegal advantages, we dont will take actions against it. That means, if you do anything that can normally be achieved by playing the game as you normally would, it is tolerated as long as you stay discret about it.

On the other hand, if a run uses Cheat Engine or any other 3rd party program to alter the game in nya way that is normally not possible and we find out about it (skills that are impossible, depositioning, FPSlimiter and what not is all possible) the run will be denied and taken from the leaderboard.

There can be single case decisions coming up and rewriting of these rules on a case by case basis so dont take this for granted and feel free to do whatever you want. We still wanna stay competitive for those that search just that as much as possible.

We may also alter the conditions on espacially PC-Runs to may ask for additional proof via savefiles if we think a run is not 100% legit but as mentioned on a case by case basis.

Limburg, Netherlands

thanks for the input.

ofcourse it wil be literally be only things that can regularly be achieved using ingame sources.

so for example i won't be getting stuff like non table skills on a X2 or X3 modifier(skills that are not on the table unlike attak)

so by basic fusion possible which means that rose simply isnt getting certain skills. so i'm gonna have to research on what i want and how its legit possible.

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