I have a computer not very powerful, so I can't record 4/5h in a row, can I do like 10 records with a cloud and then submit the ten in a row?
Well, you can have several pending runs at once, so that does mean you can submit all of them. I guess that’s what you’re talking about?
No, I mean if I can't record a run which is like 6h, can I do several videos for the same run? Like one for the first ten minutes, then 10'' to 20'' ...
I would say that you can’t, unless if it’s 100% (in big chunks of time.) If I’m wrong, I’ll let anybody correct me.
Twitch is changing their on video storage to only allow each user up to 100 hours of Highlights and Uploads. What this means for us is that anyone who is hosting a PB on speedrun.com in the form of a Twitch VOD Highlight could