Questions relating to PC version
8 years ago

Hello !

To celebrate my love for the game (and most coincidentally the game's release) I plan to run the game really soon (on PC for practical reasons).

But I thought it would be fun to actually submit the run once it's over for the sake of participating even if I would obviously be last because I don't include lots of speedrun strats, lazy that I am. Well I did use a lot the route guide for NG and the one specifically made for PS3/PC (But it was NG+ and I will do a NG).

In order to do that, I read the rules and obviously it was written before the release of the PC version. So I wondered to what exten the third-party controller ban was effective understanding it was mostly thought for GC / PS2 controllers. In fact, I'm using an official X360 pad for PC. Is that considered third party ??

And also, submitting a run implies giving the version of the game. The port being the PS3 version, would that be considered the JP version ?

Dunno if anyone can see this message soon but nothing comes if you don't ask... Thanks in advance !

Jaymota16 gefällt das.
Dominican Republic

Well an Xbox 360 controller is a First Party controller so you're good. If you play on PC it's basically considered whatever version you play the game in language wise so English. Hope to see your run soon. =3

Thanks for the super-fast answer ! I play in French so should I switch to English ? Or is that still considered US version ? Region is Europe but I'm not sure for the version

Dominican Republic

It'd still be considered English so language doesn't matter don't worry

Thanks, that helps a lot !

To explain a bit, it was an old dream of mine to one day be able to complete the game in one go so I was speechless when I discovered that the speedrunners were able to finish in a mere 7 hours from scratch ! But I still wanted to do it even if it wasn't a perfect speedrun. As I just ended my studies, it was the perfect time to do it. Unfortunately, I'm back at home so my connexion is worse and I will probably not be able to stream perfectly smoothly. I want to do it nonetheless this week-end as I ended my preparations last night and before I start to pack up for my trip in Japan.

Anyway, I'll take this occasion, even if I'll do it again once it's done, to thank you and all the runners who worked to establish the guides linked here, that helped me a loooot !

Dominican Republic

No problem just as a refresher we have guides(written by me) for every version of the game. If you feel comfortable reading and playing in French by all means do so and then just submit it under English since the game loads the same regardless of language. Since you'll be playing on PC(Steam) the routes I created are very doable and are very descriptive and if you decide to do the easier NG+ category you can easily use the file I put on that guide which is my own. Just as a mini plug in I shall be doing runs this weekend as well since I have begun school again so hope to see you around.

Well, I didn’t want to do this for I felt I made myself quite clear both before and during my play but since you seemed to be strolling around ranting, I felt there was a need to clarify some things ; here being the easiest way to do so

First I saw you ranting a lot about me “wasting your time”. I guess I don’t have enough humor to appreciate that joke. What I took of your time was basically the time to answer a few questions over the forums just above. And whereas I appreciated your answers, I don’t think it took 2 hours to write it.

If you’re referring to the time you spent watching me play saturday, I would want to know the reason why I’m the one at fault as you kept watching the stream (with whatever state of boredom of yours).

If you’re referring to the time you spent writing notes about the game, guidelines and routes, I’m wondering how I could have taken it from you as, I assume, you and pretty much everyone around used it to a certain extent.

If you didn’t want just anyone to do what they wanted with it, make it on-demand. That is common sense.

And yes, I skimmed through it as I merely wished to check team compositions stuff (to a certain extent as I didn’t want to follow the different Sylvarant order) and information about dungeons, especially Ymir Skip as I learned it was amazingly easy to do on PC.

In fact, I used these notes or more precisely the results of it. Yep, a video record to note for myself what was the shortest way to clear those dungeons. Then during a mock-game I tested it out checking how it could match with how I was going through the game and made my own adjustments.

Unfortunately, after a connection problem, the stream continued but I wasn’t reconnected to the chat so I literally didn’t see what you said until very late into the game. Then when I could answer I tried to convey that I was merely applying what I tested out during my mock-game that is to say chests, farm strats and so on.

But again, I never claimed I was going for a “first try full speedrun”-like result with about 9 or 10 hours on the timer. You referred several times to my post here to explain how I asked you things and supposedly wasted you time. Well let me quote it for you:

[Quote=Aldherrian]To celebrate my love for the game[/quote]

[Quote=Aldherrian]I thought it would be fun to actually submit the run once it's over for the sake of participating even if I would obviously be last because I don't include lots of speedrun strats, lazy that I am[/quote]

[Quote=Aldherrian]it was an old dream of mine to one day be able to complete the game in one go[/quote]

I’ll save you time for once. Here the keywords are “love” “fun” “old dream of mine”. With that you would have known my aim was to clear the game for a personal accomplishment. So please don’t blame me for you misunderstanding what I was doing.

I understand though that you expected something else and saw your resentful comments about not wanting to accept submitted times like mine. I don’t really see the point in refusing people wanting to participate but well I won’t bother then.

I’m glad however, as someone involved in the shmups community, that we don’t ask for a license to allow people to submit scores for a game they like even if it’s like death at stage 2. Anyway with that, I hope I made things clear now so at least you can criticize what I did without insulting me.

snerck gefällt das.
Dominican Republic

Submitting a run means you are doing some sort of speed run that's why I was ranting. You will not be submitting that run unfortunately. We do not accept lets plays and nor did I bother reading your post for I didn't care seeing as you didn't care to even prepare at least a little for your travesty. Good day to you sir. Please never waste time posting on a "speed run forum" to waste our time :v)

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