Inventory damage glitch with crowbar explained.
3 years ago
Victoria, Australia

I plan on doing a crowbar only run and found out the inventory glitch that is used for the shotgun in the any% can be done with the crowbar with different advantages and disadvantages.

So instead on opening up inventory as you attack (like with the shotgun) you have to time it so you open up inventory as the attack hits, this gives you 2 crowbar hits with one swing, this comes with a downside though. It seems that doing this method doesn't stagger enemies for as long so you are more likely to get hit after closing your inventory regardless of whether you spam dodge or move away as soon as you can, however there is a way around this. If you equip the lighter then equip the crowbar it will cancel the final part of the swing animation while still dealing the double hit.

So the method for dealing with enemies I have been using is.

  • bait and dodge an attack
  • swing the crowbar and open inventory as the attack hits
  • equip lighter then equip crowbar
  • close inventory run away (you will probably dodge an attack in the process)

Is seems like it isn't worth it at first, but if you get used to it and do this method quickly I have found it makes the few fights you have to do much quicker especially since the crowbar has a low chance to knock enemies down, so being able to hit twice in one swing gives you a slightly better chance of getting that knockdown and then you can get way more damage off making fights even shorter once again.

Just thought I would share this if anyone is interested :)

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