A Newbie ginning watch guide (beginner any% video tutorial + notes)
A Newbie ginning watch guide (beginner any% video tutorial + notes)
Aktualisiert 1 year ago von EpicNess

Thank you for your interest in A New Beginning speedrunning! My video can act as a fine tutorial on its own, but due to the game’s length and in pursuit of simplification, I commend this “watch guide” above all else. While it does include comprehensive bullet points covering everything I voiced, more notably, this text highlights the crucial components so you can see the most involved sections in isolation. This severely slims the material to an estimated hour and half instead of four. Any further information needed can be gathered from skimming along in either source at your leisure. If you need any assistance, feel free to reach out to me on discord @EpicNess#6789 . Regardless, good luck to all young dragons as they lay their legacy.


For an easy read, seek the first three arrows, then follow along until the closing arrows appear. When a time stamp is included, that part of the video is important for clarification and should be examined<<<**

--- --- = New chapter/level/boss

  • = New section
  • = New bullet point

---Getting the game 1:10 (notes: recording software, split programs)--- *memory cards are pretty cheap too

---Run setup 3:12 (add split setup)---

  • Turn off slowmo chance and adjust sound effects to be consistently heard

    **>>>4:00 - File duplication for easier resets.

  • TLDR load a save at the beginning and use “Enable Autosave” to copy it to another file slot. <<< **

---Basic Movement---

-intro 7:18 >>>Use left trigger to skip cutscenes

  • ** Moves with lower control and higher risk are typically the fastest. The game in general exhibits this in both movement and combat. **

  • ** In practice, this requires constantly balancing and rapidly shifting between move types that suit your confidence and the situation at hand. **


** - Charge 8:32 **

  • ** Charge doesn't require holding forward, but turning is limited **
  • ** there is a six second max duration period of any charge, and a cooldown is applied after about 2 seconds of charging **
  • ** you cant use magic while charging **

** -Horndive/Turning 10:31 **

  • ** Horndive (charge in the air) refreshes your charge and can be intermixed with walk for better control **

  • ** Spyro can turn up to about 180 degrees in either direction from a dive. Better turning comes with better height**

  • ** Use this move to land sooner when you’re far from the ground <<< **


  • Glide/jump timing (1st jump = dynamic, .5 sec after wingflap/peak) 13:32

** >>> - Air attack utility (extend glides, catch ledges, lessen air time) 15:52 **

  • ** Use air melee to end most movement chains. It lends better height control and boosts you forward. <<< **

  • If you use an air attack early, don’t forget you can still glide after the fact.

  • Horn dive loses only a bit of height/distance compared to glide.

  • You cant air attack after horn dive, but otherwise, all these moves interlink.

  • All of these tools can only be used once in the air.

  • Air attack and jump can be used as burst movement in a pinch.

  • **After about 2 seconds of being airborne with no air attack, glide, or horndive, Spyro enters freefall. Stall your fall with a touch of glide! <<< **
  • SWAMP (before fire) 19:34
  • some cutscenes will require you to jump to be able to charge again (INSERT: A chain of strafe jumps can be used to skip the ape ambush)


  • ** Primarily, you hope to maintain a constant string of damage by alternating whatever tools you have in a sequence. Recognize and track enemy health, both in what remains and how many hits you did. Using this to place damage accordingly and manipulate enemies so that you can hit multiple at a time are the marks of a pro. This may be awkward now, but shall eventually become reaction and flow. <<< **
  • Learning to claw isn't necessary, but may help with movement.

** >>>- Melee application 23:55 **

  • ** avoid final hits, do 3 on ground, 1-2 in air **

  • ** you can continually swap between these for steady damage (ground, then air, then ground) <<< **

  • you can potentially do a second air combo by holding jump after finishing an air combo

** >>> - Positional strategy (air attack or flame to approach, bait enemies, rotate) 26:33 **

  • ** Your general strategy should consist of either clustering up enemies and then going in, or hitting enemies nearest to you and baiting further away targets to come closer at the same time. **

  • ** Wrap around enemies. Fall to the ground/glide for microspacing. Use enemy corpses, level geometry, and other objects to evade and block incoming attacks **

  • ** Typically, you can approach enemies with either melee attack, but especially air attack, to great success. DONT approach with air before you unlock fire, however. Approach with ground instead. **

  • ** The more enemies you group up, the more risk, but also the higher your damage output. Watch for enemies coming in from the outskirts and move away or catch them coming in (usually with magic). **

  • ** Air attack covers all around Spyro, making it great for spreading damage once you cluster foes or catching approaching ones **

  • ** Flame application 30:31 ** (footage includes some examples)
  • ** Flame can be used as an approaching tool in the same way as air attack. **

  • ** After an air combo, use flame to cover your landing and stop any incoming enemies **

  • ** Flame can be used independently of melee attacks, covering your moments of vulnerability. This also makes it a fantastic finisher <<< **

  • Half a second of flame is roughly equal to one melee hit. Small apes take about 4 hits, mediums around 6, and large, around 10

  • Flame, air, and ground attacks web together well

  • Flame can only be used for 3 seconds straight at a time, no cooldown

---Strafe Jumping---

  • intro 35:54

  • theory 36:55

  • ** The goal of a strafe jump is to interrupt a strafe movement in the air, giving Spyro an additional jump. **
  • setup and execution 37:48
  • **The step by step for this is:
  1. Find an enemy
  2. Target the enemy (continue to target)
  3. Do a neutral jump (jump in place)
  4. Input a strafe (direction + jump)
  5. LET GO OF TARGET, then quickly jump **

** As long as ANY strafe input is done in air, Spyro regains his double jump. This means you can interrupt the strafe movement at any point to start your mid air jumps <<< **

  • You can get even more utility from this glitch by moving after your neutral jump, waiting out the strafe move, and/or extending your jumps. This will turn your output from 3 jumps to about 3.5 jumps.

  • flinging an enemy in the air or touching walls may stop strafe jumps note to self to include Kasumi clip with input display

---SWAMP continued---

  • Acquire fire up to meeting Ignitus 43:01 (Good examples of general combat at 43:30)

** >>> - Enter temple (lots of strafe jumps) 47:07 **

  • ** 48:54-50:09 quick note about how being more deliberate with enemies makes your path have strangely less resistance. Try to press through gaps when they appear. **

  • ** Statue strafe jump 50:11 <<< **

  • Keeping the medium ape alive prevents the spiders from attacking you at the second statue

  • 52:42 the statue needs to cross the inner ring, not the outer ring

  • Talk about gem routing ideology 53:56 (access level up at the bottom of the start menu)
  • ** Always overcollect on gems, don't undercollect. Adjust your route based on your first runs' results **
  • ** Dont destroy more than two clusters at a time, this will exceed a gem render limit (enemy dropped gems also apply to this limit, about 4 enemy limit) **
  • ** Invisible Ape Strafe Jump 55:41 <<< **

---Fire training---


  • Fire breath kill = faster death animation

  • Once you get fireball, you have your skillset for most of the game

** >>> - DUMMY CHASE 1:02:23 **

  • ** Charge towards enemies until about 3 body lengths away, then catch them on the turn with fire. This is easiest when enemies are around the edges of the temple. <<< **
  • CANNOT flame while charging

pause ended at 1:06:00

** >>>-Fury training approach 1:12:08 **

  • ** Use groundpound to hit enemies twice. Hit stragglers with air melee or fire **

  • ** Leave a small dummy alive on the last wave until you absorb your last fury gems. You can keep track of this with the purple circle filling on the top left. <<< **

  • you can save a misplaced fury by killing mediums shortly after (melee will deal high damage)

---First Flight---

  • : / 1:14:18
  • Periodically hold charge, projectile baddies can screw you up surprisingly quickly. You can avoid some in the ship section by flying too high for them to launch.

---Dante's Freezer---

  • Snowball physics 1:18:10
  • **snowballs turn at about the same rate as your charge. You can’t charge with snowballs however **
  • ** try to keep enemies at bay, but when they do enclose you, roll the snowball under a target or two <<< **
  • camera turning can help a bit with guiding snowballs

note: harder strafe jump and strong attack skip on the frail wood wall

** >>> - Barricade Strafe Jump (very easy) 1:20:30 Jus do it <<< **

  • Ice Doorway Damage Boost (hard) 1:21:17

** >>>- Fireball combat 1:23:10

  • ** Fireball is best used as burst damage after gathering up enemies. Hitting several in a row will deal massive damage to a few targets and significant damage to anything else nearby. **

  • ** Try to use other attacks to lead into a few fireballs (a few melee hits or a flicker of flame will stabilize a target), since the high knockback/knockdown state makes it hard to combo afterwards. **

  • ** You can usually strike a launched enemy with a second fireball either while jumping up to them or by launching another fireball near where you launched the first. **

  • ** Fireball can be used during the downtime of melee attacks, much like the fire breath **

  • ** DONT fireball DURING air attacks or the tail end of 4th ground melee. This will fling your fireball unpredictably. **

  • ** you have a total of 8 fireballs in a full magic bar, and they are crucial to your damage output, so use them wisely! <<< **

  • flaming a launched enemy adds damage but keeps them airborne longer

  • launched enemies take somewhat higher damage in air but somewhat/ significantly less after falling to the ground

  • fireball death animations are slow on (final) enemies

  • TNT flinging fort 1:25:20
  • ** Give extra space for the spikes scattered throughout the level **
  • ** Use fireball and the snowball to break up enclosing enemies as needed **
  • ** Go right after the ice wall, the camera is misleading <<< **
  • Thunder tower breath cutscene 1:26:40
  • swap to fire using dpad up
  • can use flame breath and fireball to throw off skeleton warriors
  • Armored ghouls trigate encounter 1:28:54 ** >>>(Highly recommended but not required viewing) <<< **
  • arguably hardest fight, ai manip is big here

  • gather the skeletons close by the ghoul, use flame to remove the ghoul’s armor, then use fireballs on the cluster.

  • don’t let the armored ghouls start blocking, keep damage on them until the armor comes off

  • After the initial blasts, you can follow up with whatever fits

  • (2nd wave) altering between each ghoul with firebreath alone is fine

  • you can upgrade fireball, but it tends to do too much knockback here

  • 8 fireballs per bar, goes fast and a pinch of flame gets rid of 1 fire ball in reserve

  • Group damage is resource management and balancing risk/reward 1:33:29

** >>> - Bridge strafe jump/ iceometric skip 1:34:54 **

  • ** avoid pressing against the down sloped door as that will eat your height **
  • ** don’t touch the sides of the bridge since they have spikes <<< **
  • flinging an enemy in the air may stop strafe jumps
  • Hog riders 1:37:15
  • run past the first tower
  • **for the hogs, just flame them lol **
  • Fire Fury Footprints 1:39:39 ** (Highly recommended viewing) **
  • ** Run towards the center of the pack and use your fury **

  • ** this strat is bullshit. you can tediously air melee for simplicity, but that would waste a bit of time <<< **

  • then mash fire until you see the armored ghoul stutter from the flames. When this happens, walk directly under it, continuing to mash while watching its health

  • If Spyro is positioned correctly, the fire trail from the fury’s after effects will do massive damage. Repeat this quickly for the other remaining ghouls. Try to aim for killing 2 of them in this manner.

  • For the remainder, set up an air attack into fireball string. Don’t let them past the tower’s fence tho!

  • Jebaited skip and stony cabins 1:42:42
  • ** stay as far right from the gem cluster in the clearing as much as possible until you reach the cabins <<< **
  • you can fireball breakable doors while approaching
  • Crumbling bridge 1:45:50 ** (mildly recommended viewing) **
  • there is an area near the second support on the right that is safe to stand on. Otherwise wait it out

** >>>- 1st elemental upgrade screen 1:46:43 **

  • ** upgrade both fireball and electricity breath once via the start menu <<< ** (includes navigation and upgrade choices)

  • gem routing sucks

  • to navigate the upgrade menu, use up and down to select an element and left to right to select breath (the larger circle) or the secondary projectile (small, inner circle).

  • Upgrades are fully complete when you hear a little ding, but can be kept track of looking at the ribbons beneath each circle.

  • this will be your moveset throughout most of the game

you can swap elements at any point using the dpad. up is fire right is electricity left is earth ice never gets used, but it's down

** >>> - Dreadwing invasion 1:49:08 **

  • ** use electricity to drag dreadwings and the ape commander, use fire and melee tools for the rest **

  • ** Controlling enemies with electricity feels similar to snowball physics, but the input is more of a side flick motion **


  • if using the more elaborate approach to this initial wave, deal closer to 2/3rds with flame before fireballing the first dreadwing

  • you can throw initial apes/dreadwing off in a pinch

  • technically you can mash electric breath instead if magic is a concern

** >>>--- ICE KING --- **

  • ** intro 1:52:47 **

  • ** slippery surfaces and fire ball aim 1:53:33 **

  • ** hold towards Ice King, avoid launching a fireball during air attacks or after taking damage **

  • you can miss a max of 3 fireballs per phase

  • ** First Phase 1:55:48 **
  • ** jump before charging so you have proper speed **

  • ** if you cant manage alternating from ground melee to air melee while covering endlag with fireballs, flame the shield, spam ground attacks with fireball in endlag. you will trade health perpetually but should out damage him **

  • **always double jump when trying to do air attacks. higher = better **

  • ** dont fireball DURING air attacks or the tail end of 4th ground melee **

  • ** air attacks run the risk of getting called out or putting ice king in an invulnerable state. always watch out for this, and his shield regenerating <<< **

  • save a bit of magic at the end to burn through his shields


  • technically you can chip the last hit with melee

  • when knocked away, you can potentially fireball as you come back

  • in dire scenarios, icicles he drops hold gems

** >>> - Second Phase 2:00:06 **

  • ** do 3 air attacks into 2 fireballs, landing at the back or sides (all his attacks hit low here) <<<**

  • fireball after being knocked away is more reliable here

  • you may be a melee hit or two short after this combo thread

  • really ballsy/ skilled players can stave their magic a bit and use fury here to go for 2 phases on 1 health bar

** >>> - Third Phase 2:00:50 **

  • ** do the same combo thread as in phase 2 (air combo+ 2 fireballs) , but watch out for his overheads **

  • ** use your fury mainly to avoid an attack and continue an onslaught **

  • ** because of their increased damage, prioritize melee after fury **

  • ** due to a nearly unavoidable overhead punch, you'll likely have to trade health and hits here <<< **

---Electricity Training---

  • :/ 2:02:05
  • stagger a few targets on the breath chase

  • the homing jolt sucks, continue to spam it from a distance until it catches something, then go in

---Tall Plains---

  • intro (this is your moveset for a while, harder skips) 2:05:51

** >>>- Kane Early 2:07:41 **

  • ** strafe jump using the big’n up top **
  • ** use electricity to quickly keel over any attackers **
  • ** on the return trip, use another strafe jump or an odd air attack to get atop the hollowed log <<< **
  • Rolly polly cutscene/ teeter log 2:10:25
  • theres a protrusion on the left after passing the potato bugs that makes reaching the seesaw easier

  • after falling, you can get back with a strafe jump on higher ground

  • (I recommend learning to claw 2:13:05 - 2:14:36)

  • Tiered stadium fight 2:14:56 ** >>>(moderately recommended viewing)<<< **

  • first phase may leave a potato bug boy on the second tier

  • Use fall damage to kill the second apes’ spawn includes a few on the back right of the second tier

  • ** once you move past the first 3 waves , you can comfortably kill everything with electric enduced falls (from the second raised ring and higher)<<< **
  • expect monkeys in the second and third spawns to get away from you look around / use strafe to locate them quickly

  • watch to see if anything doesnt die from fall damage via health bars

  • extra gems and funny ledge (not vital) 2:18:35

** >>> - Water Wheel switch section 2:19:44 **

  • ** be snappy or manip enemy positions if going for strafe jumps (fireball can keep away crowds) **

  • ** keeping canoneers off camera will stop their fire. Keeping a further distance also minimizes damage <<< **

  • going up the last waterwheel or strafe jumping to it is fine

  • Stone golem strats / fury 2:23:44 ** >>>(moderately recommended viewing)<<< **
  • 2 air attacks + flame breath, avoid getting them knocked down
  • switch to fire after the cutscene. Do the same tactic until all of them are at half health, then fury
  • you can easily strafe jump up the wheat fields that follow
  • Big ape instakill 2:26:32 (not necessary, tight timing. very helpful)
  • this combo can't be buffered, need to space inputs

  • the initial firebreath is just for consistency/preventing attacks

  • it's possible to get a fall damage kill sending the ape to the center

  • electric cage may be a solid way to break defense but isnt cost effective

  • Marble pocket gate 2:30:30
  • use either the cube corner on the left or a strafe jump to reach the upper pyramids sooner

  • jump in the center of the pack to separate the marbles

  • headbutt your balls (and make sure they make it in the sockets)

  • strafe jump from the lowest steps of the pyramid to get to the gate

  • you'll have to orient your camera or move a bit after llama's cutscene

  • Funny floating ship autoscroller 2:37:10
  • **combat on the ship can be ignored, but chucking aside enemies is wildly helpful for gems/fury<<< **
  • if an enemy sends you off stage, theres a chance you can jump back on from midair (depends on the attack)

  • some staff strike pulses wont fully cover the ground, but jump anyway

  • air headbutts are also a reasonable approach to large lads

an instance of super slipping can be used to skip this whole section and is super epic

** >>>---STONE SENTINEL--- **

  • **Very one and done boss. It’s normally easy unless you mess up your fury use. **
  • Have a fury bro 2:42:55
  • ** Fury placement, combo, and positioning 2:43:28 **
  • ** quickly run underneath the sentinel while it sets to launch its arm. Fury **
  • ** spam ground melees and occasional fireballs, stopping occasionally just to adjust your position **
  • ** you want to remain around the back center of the sentinel **
  • ** grab gems after it falls <<< **


  • intro (oddly obtuse trial alert) 2:46:10

** >>> - ice breath chase cringe 2:47:18 **

  • ** like fire training, but further breath range, slower projectile and a tighter timer **
  • ** ice shart 2:48:55 **
  • ** listen to the dummy spawn noise to locate them **
  • ** try not to chase dummies as it only makes aiming harder <<< **
  • fury
  • you don't need to collect previous dropped fury gems as much here or in the earth training


  • intro 2:51:47
  • ** Many sections of munitions forge will mainly require killing just a commanding ape. Use electricity to sling them off <<< **
  • Rat rescue rampage / Manweersmall Emancipation 2:53:44
  • ** when you reach the split path, take the right passage. Fireball won’t break crystals, so be sure to melee the moles free <<< **
  • glide over any goons, and feel free to collect gems as you go
  • 2:55:03 you can ignore, the left passage kinda sucks
  • Lava pool prancing 2:57:27
  • after freeing the moles, jump around the fences and stone fragments to evade lava pits and agro apes

  • lots of options for extra gems precise platforming

  • The big ape instakill is most useful here, as the fight before the fire wall is damning indeed

  • if you dont get the instakill, keep other enemies off you.

  • Extra gems for a strafe jump 3:01:35

** >>> - Earth breath get / upgrade and gem check 3:02:33 **

  • ** Upgrade earth breath twice. You should still have a full looking bank of experience to spend after **
  • Earth breath utility and train track levers 3:05:29
  • Caboose miniboss 3:07:22
  • straddle your speed on the side by side chase
  • hit the back to regain magic

** >>> - Minecart cutoff/jump 3:12:04 **(big strafe jump)

  • ** don’t destroy the minecart **

  • ** the scorpion dragging may seem clunky, but is much more approachable and reliable <<< **

  • if you fall down after hitting the jump, the floating platform should lower for you

  • this is probably the hardest strafe jump I recommend

  • Moleyare, more cages 3:14:41
  • Earth breath breaks objects like the cages, acting as a ranged noncommital melee

  • you can skip a stone cylinder with a strafe jump

  • a few extra gems along the way

  • ** FINAL CHANCE AT GEMS (some gems come from the boss though) 3:17:29 **
  • ** WATCH OUT HEALTH FOR THE NEXT ROOM, HEFTY EXPLOSION IMMINENT ** (takes about a third of health)
  • ** Spiral Mine Strafe Jumps 3:18:28 **
  • ** turn around, target the magma worms, and you can jump on top of the door frame <<< **

  • potential jump on the metal boxes of the second loop, then jump up right to reach the top

  • right metal box can't reliably be stood on

(3:20:23 i go on an expedition for an alternative skip I don’t find)

** >>>---STEAM--- **

  • ** Prep/First Phase Fury Strat 3:22:04 **
  • ** much like the Stone Sentinal, run to the side or back of Steam and pop fury **

  • ** Run towards Steam during fury's after effects to mount more melee attacks **

  • be sure to be close and grounded for maximum melee effect. dont get squished.

  • After the train gets away from you, place fireballs while you try to chase it

  • ** Post fury/ nonfury strats 3:23:30 **
  • ** stand in the center to coerce the train. When you try to glide around the train, you can give it a wider birth, but you will be pressed for time when tacking on damage in later stages. **

*** After it crashes, be sure to use earth breath's range to the best of your ability **

  • ** Poke at the train as it gets up from its crash with some melee + fireball **

  • swap between fire (dpad up) and earth (dpad left) accordingly <<<

  • GET THOSE GEMS!!!!!!!!!

** >>> FOR ENDGAME just learn how earth works, the citadel death warp, and how to quick kill Cynder and you've got the rest <<< **

---Cynder Escape---

  • bruh 3:26:18

---Earth Training---

  • Final Upgrades (ruin the run) 3:28:24
  • ** Upgrade Earth Bomb twice at the start of the trial. There’s many viable crystal clumps to have collected, so it’s likely you might over-collect. **
  • ** There are a few pickups at the entrance of the next level, but it’s much better to just have the tool at full power here <<< **
  • Earth breath range/trial 3:32:25
  • Earth breath is shaped like a cone and has high knockback, with the best hitbox being the furthest from Spyro. Try to push enemies to the walls to simplify the training
  • Earth tornado trial quirk 3:36:03
  • ** You have to do a separate melee attack for each swirling simian (ape lmao). Hitting multiple enemies in one swoop will not work <<< **

---CONCURRENT SKIES (Cynder's lair/where runs go to die)---

  • endgame intro 3:37:42
  • ** Endgame combat / lag reduction 3:40:00 ** (check the first few minutes for examples)
  • ** your goal will be to spam the tornado in an even more aggressive way to fireball **

  • ** tornado aims like fireball. hit dying enemies, walls, space on airborne targets or pointblank to stackem **

  • ** try to collect enemies into one spinning storm by “setting up shop” near their spawns or in the center **

  • ** missing can still be fairly punishing though as it may drag enemies away from you **

  • ** keep 1 or 2 tornados on backup most of the time. You can keep 3-4 active tornadoes on one full bar **

  • ** Be sure to weave about in battle to sweep up any fallen gems that are churned out, both to refill your magic and to prevent lag. Actively replant your tornadoes as you do! <<< **

  • If a stray tornado catches something, either set a new grinding spot there or have it act as a second small group

  • brush by the protectors atop the raised pillars by blasting them with earth breath

  • Hexagon Apes setups 3:46:46 (low gem return)
  • ** Upgrade Lightning Breath once (last upgrade) 3:50:08 **
  • ** Stagger throwing enemies from the plateaus while tornadoing the rest **
  • ** Electric breath + spin to win on the upcoming elevators and pillars <<< **
  • Conduits 3:52:35
  • ** Citadel Death Warp 3:55:41 **
  • ** Glide close to the forward right wall/door for as long as you can, taking time to lead enemies **
  • ** Without stepping past the black threshold, get swiped at by an opposing ape until Spyro dies <<< **

(neutral glide vs directional glide fall speed?)

  • Turrets and monkeys r funny 3:58:53
  • The fight that follows a successful death warp has some delayed spawns, so put a few tornados on the commander while waiting
  • Thunder tower takeover 3:59:34 (scrub zapper)
  • ** Gather everything towards the sides of the towers so that they zap targets in tandem with tornados <<< **
  • Electric King 4:02:15
  • ** Just space and spam earth breath such that you hit him with the last third of your range. This is similar to the tactic that will be used on Cynder’s upcoming battles **
  • ** save half a magic bar for a biggie coming up briefly, or pick gems up from the fallen king <<< **
  • Agonizing Elevator 4:03:28
  • ** The big ape on the ground floor needs to be knocked off and tornadoed or fire instakill (hard tech) **

  • ** Minimize wasting breath. keep as much magic as you can on the ride up, tornadoing an enemy or two to help replenish it

  • **Tornado doesn't work on the elevator platform, meaning you will need to catch foes as they arrive and use fury on second floor **

  • ** Use electric breath to shove most other monkeys down the shaft <<< **

  • Break the seals with earth breath, air attack, or air horndive

  • Continually run and check between all three doors, they're hard to distinguish

---Cynder Phase 1---

  • 4:12:14
  • If you start the fight with low magic, feel free to fall off for a fast refill.
  • ** This plays the same as Electric King, walk up and spam with the tail end of the earth breath. **
  • ** If Cynder leaps into the air, you'll have to jump to avoid a shockwave <<< **
  • Crystals are along the side if you need more, or use melee to finish.



  • ** This area is pretty freeform, so do what you're comfortable with, but avoid a few empty side paths <<< **
  • Charging is somewhat limited since spotted platforms are spaced and dip down

---Cynder final phases---


  • ** You can keep mashing strafe after the cutscene (same button as cutscene skip) to target Cynder and spam earth breath as before **
  • ** She has the same moveset as before on this initial phase, except she may shoot fire. Circle to the side or jump to avoid this **

  • ** After emptying the first health bar, Cynder will fly away. Damage her on the takeoff, then take the time to refill your magic using crystals along the edge **

  • ** Run back to intercept Cynder's landing after she flames twice **

  • ** Do the same setup to spam earth breath again **

  • For the final showdown, watch Cynder's head to evade where she will aim her firebombs

  • continue to mash aether breath until your fury is full

  • ** Pop your fury, check your time, and watch those dragons fly! <<< **

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