Leaderboard updates
10 months ago
Ontario, Canada

Hi folks,

Some of you may have noticed your runs being re-timed either today or around a month ago. This is because some runs were submitted but not re-timed properly when first verified. I used https://vidtimer.com, and the following frames to re-time:

  • For All Objectives, the first frame I used is the first frame the objective/timer appear in the top left corner. The last frame I used is the first frame the "Objective complete" text appears.

  • For Jumpscare%, the first frame I used is the first frame the objective/timer appear in the top left corner. The last frame I used is the first frame the objective/timer disappear entirely.

I decided to keep unavailable runs up as well as they have been verified in the past. Obviously there is no way to see those videos now, and so there is no way to re-time them.

Hopefully this clears up any confusion if you are wondering why your run may have gotten re-timed. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to message me here or on any of my platforms linked on my account.

  • Kasual

lol my freddy one got deleted like 3 years after for a weird raison thats strange

Ontario, Canada

What was the reason? I know there were some runs that did not show the objective/timer in the top-left corner. If that was the reason, it got removed because the rules for timing say that timing starts when the objective/timer first appear.


It is for that, i think that in the version of the game at this era there was no timer at the top

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