I got 12.450, but maybe I did the same thing frame counting that Zarc did; I dunno. Even included my frame counting at the end assuming there's an error so you can let me know what it is :)
Ran on Nestopia 1.4
[Mod Note: Re-timed to 12.467. Using the quote from Char's mod note on my run, and given all other tied WR have the same time: "Mod edit: Since this run is bufferable (that should be a word) then the best theoretical time should be 12.467s. Using somewes' frame counter, I get the 12.450s time for this run as submitted, but when using the actual frame counter on the emulator, it yields 2161 - 1413 for 783 total frames, which divided by 60 is 12.467s. This leads me to believe that a frame was skipped/dropped in the actual recording."]
(Reuploading thanks to the recent Twitch nonsense)