LevelErster Platz
A Missing Child
A Pirate's Life For Me
A Political Marriage - Seduce
A Political Marriage - Outmaneuver
A Rash of Rudeness - Discipline
A Rash of Rudeness - Educate
A Wandering Prophet - One True Faith
A Wondering Prophet - Silence the Heathen!
Ancient Secrets
ANIMUSLAVER! - Take Care of It
ANIMUSLAVER! - Fear to Leverage
Book Burning - Literacy Program
Book Burning - Scary Stories
Bounty Hunt: Wild Boar - Save the Boar
Bounty Hunt: Wild Boar - Slay the Boar
Brave New World
Bric-a-Brac Day
Constellation Confrontation - Hubris
Constellation Confrontation - To The Stars
Contents: Genie - Free the Genie!
Contents: Genie - Use the Wishes!
Crab Bandit - A Powerful Ally
Crab Bandit - Crab Hammer
Cultural Crusades - Destroy Culture
Cultural Crusades - Embrace Culture
Cultural Masterpiece - Build It!
Cultural Masterpiece - Steal It!
Cutting Edge
Dangerous Minds - Encourage
Dangerous Minds - Shut It Down
Death of the Proxy - Exploit the Chaos!
Death of the Proxy - Proxy Election Time!
Doomsday? - No Worries Here
Doomsday? - The End is Near
Eastern Promises - For Science!
Eastern Promises - Get Out!
End the War: Gut the Guild
End the War: Order in the Kingdom
End the War: Punish the Pirates
Evolution of Chinchilla - Chinchilla of The Watcher
Evolution of Chinchilla - Heavy Metal
Family Crest - Knightly Heraldry
Family Crest - Royal Heraldry
Famine Fever - Feed Them
Famine Fever - Martial Law
First Steps
Fountain of Legend
Fur - Bloody Havest
Fur - Fur Protest
Fur - It's a Trap!
Gastro-Fest or Bust
Gilded Guilds - Bard's Guild
Gilded Guilds - Fighters Guild
Gilded Guilds - Mages Guild
Goblins! - Gobblin' the Goblins
Goblins! - Seal the Portal
Golems Gone Wild
Heir to the Throne
Hungry Hungry Hamfast! - Deal with the Peasants!
Hungry Hungry Hamfast! - Don't Die Hamfast!
Hungry Hungry Hamfast! - Promote the Cause
I Don't Feel So Good - Heal Him
I Don't Feel So Good - Lost Cause
Inquisition - Convert
Inquisition - Purge
Invasion! - Defeat With Deceit
Invasion! - Secure With Swords
Invasion! - Stop With Secrets
Jacoban's Day Out
Jacoban's Day Out 2: A Pilgrimsaster - Bribery
Jacoban's Day Out 2: A Pilgrimsaster - Golem Bob
Jacoban's Day Out 2: A Pilgrimsaster - Sacrifice
King For A Day
Make Books, Not War
Meat Quest IV
New Gangs of Aarbyville - Assassinate!
New Gangs of Aarbyville - Invade!
New Gangs of Aarbyville - Seduce!
Nurse with a Curse
O Creature, My Creature
O Fortuna
Ominous Tides
Peasant Revolt - Placate
Peasant Revolt - Suppress
Power Grab - Gain Domestic Support
Power Grab - Gain Foreign Support
Prelude to a Plague
Rise of a Playwright - Hard Work
Rise of a Playwright - Play-giarism
Royal Assassination - Sly Slaying
Royal Assassination - The Monarch's Medicine
Royal Holiday
Royal Review - Bloodletter's License
Royal Review - Imperial Inspection
Rush to Pledge
Sacred Scrutiny
Secrets and Successions
Seven Mechanical Arts
Sleepless in Sandwich
Squirrel Infestation - Burn
Squirrel Infestation - Hunt
Subprime Slaves - Free Them
Subprime Slaves - Take Advantage
The Beast Must Diet
The Betrayal - Betray the Guild Consortium
The Betrayal - Betray the Pirate Tribunal
The Blacksmith's Apprentice
The Case of the Missing Monarch
The Dragon of [Kingdom] - Befriend
The Dragon of [Kingdom] - Slay the Serpent
The Fisherman's Challenge
The Great Purge
The Incident
The Legend of the Talking Frog - A Toadry Reomance
The Legend of the Talking Frog - Talking Frog's Legs
The Mirthful Love Doctor
The Philospher's Stone
The Sinister Sorcerer - Save the Sorcerer
The Sinister Sorcerer - Slay the Sorcerer
The Witch is Back - A Witch No More
The Witch is Back - Counterspellin'
The Witch is Back - Delightful Wedding
Tournament of Honor - Bolster Kingdom's Champion
Tournament of Honor - Sabotage Advorton's Champion
Turncoats - High Society Piracy
Turncoats - Putting the 'Aaarrr' in Aristocrat
Under Seige - Armada Ahoy!
Under Seige - March of the Merchants
Very Bazaar - Deputized
Very Bazaar - Out Trade the Traders
Wag the Dog - Behind the Scenes
Wag the Dog - Spin Doctor
War Games
Wedding - Elope
Wedding - Public Ceremony
Wedding - Secret Lover
Ye Olde Magic Show