3 years ago

Here we'll track discovered glitches with explanation and posible use cases.

Ability increase: This bug allows to increase all ability scores to what ever value you need while one ability may be pushed over 18.

Only works in fullscreen

  1. Create a new char
  2. Roll dice until the roll counter reaches the value you need
  3. Switch to "advanced" mode
  4. Click and then click and hold on the space where one of the rolled scores would be before you switched to "advanced" mode. You will see the counter value insted of the normal one being dragged
  5. Drag the value to one of the boxes with "8"s and then back again
  6. Now you can increase any other value to 18 or whatever you need and drag it over the remaining "8"s
  7. Switch back and forth between "advanced" and "simple" modes until all the values are set.

Notes: Any value that remained in the "advanced" box will be removed when you switch to "simple" mode, so don't forget to drag those values to the invisible boxes. There is another way of doing it faster if you first drag all the high values from invisible boxes to the visible ones in "advanced" mode. Also if you set 2 (lowest) abilities in "simple" mode and then in "advanced" mode drag 2 "8"s into the empty invisible boxes, you will have 2 empty boxes instead of those "8"s. If you try to increase the empty values you'll get a lot of points to put in abilities. If you increase Int too much you will not be able to finish character creation. because yo'll have too many skill points. Str > 160 will crash the game when your inventory weight changes (pick up or drop something)

Usages: Int modifier is added to search skill Str modifier is added to attack and damage rolls (*1.5 for two handed)


Rest warp: This bug allows you to move almost instantly from point to point

  1. Click somewhere on the ground and press "r" to rest
  2. press ok

Notes: Sometimes doesn't work, need to repeat. This happens if you press "ok" while your character is turning in place and not actually moving. The character will actually move through the map and may trigger encounters. Best to rest for 1 hour to minimize chance of random encounters. If you click on a door and the character can reach it, then the character will activate the door as soon as rest ends.

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