2 years ago
Michigan, USA

I really want to do a total gorefest% run. It would consist of killing off all the counselors, all the Hacketts, and Silas.

I can do a run of it tomorrow and post it up on my page to see if it's something that would be cool to do. Just let me know. I also think an alive% would be a good category to have too. We would have to decide if that means all counselors and hacketts alive or just the counselors.

Hacketts Quarry Forever!!


There's obviously a big difference between the Any% route and a category where everyone survives - but is there really much of a difference between the regular Any% route and killing off everybody?

As a side note: Been thinking about adding True Ending instead of just "everyone survives" since I think it'd be more interesting since it requires you to also collect all the evidence and make different choices to ensure everyone gets a happy ending.

Basically, I'm thinking about having the Any% category with subcategories "Any Ending" and "True Ending"

Any thoughts about that?

Oh_my_gourdness gefällt das.
Michigan, USA

Well rip my run I messed up and forgot something to let me kill off Caleb. If I would have gotten it right it would have been about 5:05ish for a sloppy run lol.

Between an any% and gorefest% would be that Laura and Travis have to work together to kill silas. Where in any% you never go look for Silas cause that adds about 15 min to the end of ch 10. And some variations in other chapters to get all you need to do the run which does make it longer. But I guess from a viewer perspective it is def a route that I highly doubt anyone has seen just because it's not intuitive on how to get that ending.

A full all alive run would be different because in any% you kill off Jacob and Emma way early so all their scenes would be in the run would make some of the shorter chapters longer and different.

I'm gonna work on making some splits to track chapter times to get a best choices route planned for any%


Is it possible for Travis and Laura to die after killing Silas? How does that work? If that's possible, could definitely be a neat addition.

The Gorefest run aside, what do you think about having True Ending instead of "Everyone Survives"? Its similar, but more involved and more interesting (imo)

So the Any% category would look like this, what do you think? https://i.imgur.com/4kcerkJ.png

Oh_my_gourdness und Spartaruckus gefällt das.

You guys thinking too much. All possible routes is already in achiv list. Decked Out Found all Tarot cards Last Man Standing Ryan survived alone Family Matters Killed all the Hacketts Blood Pact Infected every character Meddling Kids! Collected all clues Conspiracy Theorist Collected all evidence Rough Night Kept everyone alive Hackett’s Quarry Massacre Killed everyone The Final Girl Kaitlyn survived the night alone The White Wolf Killed Silas

Michigan, USA

Yes you can get Travis Ryan Laura and Silas all killed at the end. You have to fail some QTE and succeed the last mash. Then have to lure Caleb into freezer and then fail the last QTE to kill katlyin then Caleb freezes after Silas is dead.

A true ending would be Silas dead and everyone alive, minus Chris no way to save him if ya take down Silas


Okay, sub-categories added!

First we have Any Ending, which we've already been doing. Just regular ol' fastest playthrough possible.

Second, Rough Night - based on the achievement of the same name where all counselors have to be alive at the end.

Finally, Gorefest! This one I'm not entirely sure I've got accurate so @Spartaruckus would you mind confirming this ruleset?

Finish the game with as many people dead as possible, this includes;

All 9 Counselors

  • Laura
  • Max
  • Dylan
  • Emma
  • Ryan
  • Kaitlyn
  • Jacob
  • Nick
  • Abi

All 5 Hackett family members

  • Travis
  • Chris
  • Bobby
  • Constance
  • Jedediah

The White Wolf

  • Silas
Oh_my_gourdness und Spartaruckus gefällt das.
Michigan, USA

Looks good to me. I am starting a gorefest run now so hopefully as long as I don't mess it up again I'll have a video example of how to to it and what it looks like. Cheers!

Michigan, USA

I like the rough night name better than all alive imo and a better description; f the run too.

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