Veröffentlicht 2 years ago von

On 2022/09/16, a major patch was released for The Looker. This patch brings macOS support along with a number of other mostly speedrun-inconsequential things. However, a large puzzle was added to the front of the hedge maze, which takes a non-trivial amount of time to solve. This makes the previous Student and All Achievements times essentially unbeatable without downpatching.

The solution to this was to create a version-split for those two categories. Going forward, runs done in those categories should submit to the Current sub-category, which follows the same rule as the rest of the categories, in that all new runs must be done on the latest patch of the game. Existing runs have been moved to the Legacy sub-category. Runners who wish to submit new runs to the Legacy sub-category must downpatch their game to the 2022/06/28 patch to do so.

Any% and Glitchless are unaffected by this patch, and no changes have been made to the organization of those leaderboards.

Veröffentlicht 2 years ago von

Hi all!

On 2022/06/21, a patch was released for The Looker that, for the most part, is beneficial to the speedrun. However it does include one change that negatively impacts Student% (and possibly 100%): an extra page is added to the book at the centre of the hedge maze. While this change doesn't significantly impact the run, it does raise the question of how updates to this game should be treated.

We're planning on opening a poll in the discord server a week from now, which will be open for a couple of days, to decide how we should handle this and other future changes. Please join the server if you would like to have a part in this decision! Until then, all runs must be done on the latest patch.


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2022/09/16 Game Patch

On 2022/09/16, a major patch was released for The Looker. This patch brings macOS support along with a number of other mostly speedrun-inconsequential things. However, a large puzzle was added to the front of the hedge maze, which takes a non-trivial amount of time to solve. This makes the previous

2 years ago