Question about recording runs
4 years ago

I recently completed chapter 1 in 56:33 (glitchless run, no pre-order bonus, including load times from cinematic skips) I did make a few mistakes, so I wanted to figure out what I need to record my future runs when they can be submitted. I'm relatively new to speed running so any help that can be given would be great.

Seattle, WA, USA

Few things. Grats on the run, but runs will be based off IGT, not RTA. So make sure you show during your run the autosave file after you finish which shows your in-game time. Second, you have a few options for recording. The easiest is to stream to Twitch using the PS4 share. The downsides is that you have no customization and the quality won't be great but it is the cheapest option (free). The next way is to purchase an El Gato capture card. This you plug one part into your computer and the other to your PS4 and it lets you record and stream using OBS, so you can get a ton of customizations. The downside is that they are quite expensive so it is up to you to decide. But overall, those two options are your best bet.

Jon_Rose gefällt das.
Costa Rica

Yeah, they are indeed quit expensive, I got one that is USB and it was quit pricy. I use to record pretty much all my consoles.

If you end up not streaming to Twitch from your PS4 you can try and use the PS4 Remote Play on your PC and check how the quality looks. For the best quality it's recommended that both console and PC are wired to the same network.

Jon_Rose gefällt das.
Victoria, Australia

Hello, I'm going to attempt a speedrun tonight. It's the first for me. Never linked gameplay to a streaming service, so hope Youtube is okay as I don't have a Twitch acc.

Ontario, Canada

YouTube is definitely fine, as long as it is a single segment video

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