100% Rules Alteration Request
6 years ago
North Carolina, USA

Hey, I just started running this game and I love it to death (one of my childhood favorites). I'm gonna try to complete a run worth submitting for the 100% category next week hopefully, because I think it's a pretty cool category (albeit the slightest bit redundant.)

Anyway I was just wondering if you wouldn't mind changing the rules to make 100% Scriptless. I think using scripts are cheating and don't really want to invest the time into the run for it to be beat by what's essentially a TAS.

Also I think it would be a great rule to not allow skipping the cutscenes since it's 100%. But that's only because I think the voice acting is the best part of the game, and that's memey as hell so I'd understand opposition to that.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 6 years ago
North Carolina, USA

<3 you're amazing! thank you!

North Carolina, USA

hey @Tanya I was working on some routing stuff today, trying to figure out if you save more people by doing the Key route or Keyless route when you diverge in Chapter 2. Turns out for Ch2 it's the same # of people either way, although I think you save one less person in Ch3 and 4 by taking Keyless route.

But from testing that out I had this idea - since that's the only path divergence you can take without a civilian dying, and since 100% already makes you play through the game twice, can you add another rule that for one of the playthroughs you have to go Key route and one you have to go Keyless route so that you have to play through as much of the game and save Everyone possible?

Been mouseless for the time being so I've just been goofing off playing with a snes controller, but I'll definitely be submitting a run soon I swear bahahah.

North Carolina, USA

right, yeah, I get that.

I'm just saying that if in your Original Mode playthrough you shoot the key in chapter 2 and in the Arcade Mode playthrough you don't shoot the key (or vice versa), and you proceed to save everyone possible in both, then you've successfully saved every single character possible in the game throughout the course of your 100% run. (other than the ones you can only save if you've let someone die, ofc) And additionally you get to show that you can play through both main paths of the game, it's really fun!

Bearbeitet von der Autor 6 years ago
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