So close to sub 90!
My early game was actually cracked as hell, finishing Ch3 around 7s ahead of WR (accounting for ASL differences)
It took me about 40s to get the cover clip in Ch4 so that's not ideal, but I did at least complete FPS Skip.
In Ch6 between the zip door clip, the cover clip, a failed Hoffman Skip, and a 2nd try zip into the theater area I probably have another 1m to save
In Ch9 I spent 30s trying to get the zip OOB, and used the "old" setup once OOB. The new one discovered should save an additional 10-15s.
Lost about 15s in the Ch10 Cabin fight
I wasted 20s attempting the zip at the start of Ch16, only to have to walk 1m40s up to the cutscene trigger - assuming I can actually get this zip in my next PB that's a timesave of like 1m20s right there lmao
All in all, I should be able to save like 3m40s by fixing everything above
Some FPS stuttering/speedups at like 12:50 in the video - even though I capped my FPS (I'm not sure why this happens or how to prevent it, other than capping my fps even lower maybe)