Red line
7 years ago
New York, USA

If any one can find some gliches, like surviveing under blocks or going under the Red death line, I will add a glichless%

Does glitching through half the blocks count?

New York, USA

Sure, this could be considered a glich, but the game is so buggy that I think I will stick with the major gliches


There is a rng glitch where all the block become straight 4 line until you die. it's rng since the block need to reach the perfect setup to happen. It only happened once on my end and i deleted the vid by mistake. anyway i lost my calm when discovering that and failed not too long after

I have noticed that sometimes only straight line blocks fall, which is very annoying after the 300 second mark. I believe I have seen a couple times when I saw straight lines fall for a while and then a non straight block falls. I do believe it is RNG related, however, you aren't exploiting that glitch to survive longer, which isn't enough to warrant a new Survive Glitchless% category.

If I see any of you doing any flavor of this in any run, I will not count the run.


Like i said in my post and was used at 100 sec on the current wr, there is a rng glitch where you only see straight line

...Yes, I got set up so that I only got I shaped blocks. I survived for a while, but still cracked under pressure, and I couldn't see myself even with jumping. I cannot set up the board or change which blocks come up, so that rng glitch happens by dumb luck. If you really want, I will make a category that has is the time until you get all I's. However, you would have to explain why that should be.

I do not want to sound mean, so sorry if you took it that way. I didn't exploit to alter RNG, I used it to my advantage when it happened.


Nah, it's just proving that the glitch exist, that what i wanted to say, but this only become like pokemon games now, were rng is involved to finish the games with a better score

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