Latest Version Requirement?
4 months ago
Ontario, Canada

Was looking at recent runs for this game and saw a rejected run where it (the rejection reason) said that the rules may be updated to where runners are asked to play the most recent version of the game. When/if this is added as a rule, will runs played on older versions not be allowed anymore?

Reason I ask is I have a few 1.5 runs which I haven't uploaded yet.

Also on an unrelated note - I've noticed that the newer versions of TDT (should be any compatible after 1.5 - although I haven't checked in a while) show times in milliseconds for the DLC as well (attached image). Could we possibly see DLC levels be added to the leaderboards? I know that previous versions of TDT didn't let the player even play the DLC in the first place but I'm not sure if there was any other reason they are not on the leaderboards.

Washington, USA

Hey Gecalsth, so I was talking to Swanky about this and nothing is decided currently, but it did come up in conversation that we don't believe that we stated that playing on an older version of the game is allowed, I think the past update would be fine but again nothing is decided. This is mainly for people who like to play on very old versions of the game, like when Part 2 first dropped, which was December 2021, this was v.0.9.0, the game has made many changes since then and we'd like to have people playing on a more recent version of the game so everybody is on the same playing field, I don't want to see anybody having an advantage or disadvantage, most people should on the most recent version of the game as this is default for everybody, unless otherwise changed.

I too have some runs from v.1.5 and would like to get them up as well, I think that v1.5 will remain safe to upload, if this ruling does change it'll most likely only be for the very old versions of the game, I think that anything before v.1.1 would be safe to say that it would change the run too much, there were many changes to the game in-between v.0.7 and v.1.4 so any runs from those versions would potentially be rejection worthy.

I'm curious on how you knew about this rejected run from the other day, as I'm not finding any talk about it on the discord and that player's runs are all unlisted on youtube so I'm just curious on how you knew about that, but it's not really important either way. But to confirm this right now again we have not decided on anything yet, there was just talk about it, if you are referring to Pigg_master's runs then his runs mainly got rejected due to multiple graphical issues that I believe stem from the fact that they may have installed the wrong version of TeardownTools or just installed it improperly, I mentioned that we may be having this version requirement in the future but again this may only be for the very old versions on the game, anything before v.1.4 may be scrutinized. Also to note, instead of having a version requirement we may add a variable to the leaderboards that allows runners to select what version that the run was played on, or just make new categories at the end of the day, both of these options are a very large task so this may not happen anytime super soon, adding a new variable would be much more effort to implement. Please bare with us on this process moving forward. Just submit you runs as normal and if we need to move anything around we'll get to it once we're working on this project if we do decide to go through with this.

And lastly, we decided to not add the DLC levels to the leaderboards for whatever reason, we could bring this up again to see if it's likely now but I believe that the main reason for them not being adding was the issue with TeardownTools, I didn't plan on making it work for the DLC levels when I made the last version of TeardownTools so it is cool to see that you can get the accurate timing now for those levels, I'll ask the other mods about it, and I'd recommend asking about it on the discord as well, as the more people who are for it the more likely it could happen, but it is still not 100% likely so please do keep that in mind, there may have been a different reason for not accepting the DLC levels as new official categories, if that is that case I am uncertain of what that reason could have been so again I will ask about it soon. Hopefully that cleared some things up for you.

Ontario, Canada

Hey thanks for the reply, glad to hear that 1.5 should be okay for now.

Also, I knew about the rejected run because I used a website to find a list of pending runs like two days ago or yesterday (, and then did so again today and noticed that some of the runs I saw before weren't on the list today and they weren't approved, so I figured they were rejected and was just curious as to why (I didn't watch the runs before but I did briefly open the submission page so they were in my history).

The main reason why I was looking at pending runs to begin with is just to see if there was any new runs that I didn't see on YouTube, I don't make a habit of it but I find it interesting to see new runs or ones that haven't been approved yet.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 4 months ago
Dylenoyer94 gefällt das.
Washington, USA

Yeah you're welcome for the response. Honestly I need to be better about being more present on the socials, it's something I'll work on over time. But that website is super cool, I never knew that existed, very, very cool! And no worries about that, you are more than welcome to look at that site for any pending runs, that doesn't bother me at all

Gecalsth gefällt das.

In my opinion, I'd really like to see DLC leaderboards, along with a few new categories such as Mayhem and Hunted challenges maybe. I don't know how hard it is to set up new leaderboards, I wish I could help, but this is just my suggestion.

Gecalsth gefällt das.
Washington, USA

I think the DLC would make great new categories as well. I'll ask Swanky about it soon, I'm pretty sure I could add them myself without issues but I just want to ask again why we decided against it, I believe it was TeardownTools not working for it but if it's working properly now then there's more of a chance it can become a new category. We shall see.

As for the Mayhem and Hunted ones I'm not sure about those since they'd need a high score based leaderboard instead of a time based one, I will look into how one would be made, if it's simple to implement maybe but I wouldn't count on it. It is a cool idea but I'd have to see on how to make it happen before giving more than a maybe, and again I'd like to run these new categories by Swanky before making them myself.

I do have one new idea for a new potential category, it's Hammer Only 100%, and I know that SNovaKK knows what I mean since we've talked about this category. But I've been working on seeing if these are doable myself, I haven't gotten to every level yet, but I think it's possible to get 100% in all levels with only the hammer. This is a category that I could see coming to fruition at some point since it'd be easy to implement, and I think it should be a thing since we already have Any% and 100% categories, and then we only have Hammer Only Any%, no 100% so this category could fit in nicely on the leaderboards. I will ask about this being a thing soon.

Washington, USA

Here's an update regarding if the latest version is required, so yes and no, we're not going to have people submit to categories on outdated versions of the game anymore, for simplicity and an even playing field for all players and the sanity of the mods the decision is that all runs, both fullgame and ILs, must be ran on v.1.4.0 - v.1.6.2 unless they are submitting to specifically an older category, ie. the Pre-Version categories that we have.

I will also say that I'm looking into having an update for TeardownTools that'll show us what version of the game you're playing on as the game only shows the version on the main menu so I don't know the version unless it's a fullgame run. This would be a very helpful way to pinpoint what version a player is using for their run. I don't know how to make this happen myself currently but like I said I would like to see this feature being added to TeardownTools in the future, it'd make the verification much easier so second guessing doesn't happen and all categories are balanced and fair as they should be.

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