go home people!!!
1 month ago

wow i came back to see this leaderboard speedrunning thingy uhhhh died. it is really expected because players are just lazy asses and dont think of anything to speedrun!!! also i hate alby since she is addicted to gd sailent clubstar oh wait no silent clubstep top 3 on the shitty pointer crate list (riot was right the people in crate pointing has a brain of a goldfish oh wait the goldfish is actually smarter than them!!! newfound knowledge??? wowzers!! bazinga!!) (completion on doomsday trust me) and expireds history on src is expired since he is viciousx play tester (yes he is a tester for plays and dramas in uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh idk). i might as well dip and speedrun crimson cutter on gd now bye ill see you again in 1 sec (expect a sub 9:45 inter run maybeeeeeeeee soon as in 1 century oh wait i died that time XD)

wait who is this trash grooming dasher u tube? https://www.youtube.com/@oAlqby

Bearbeitet von der Autor 1 month ago
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Speedruns for Limited Events

We are thrilled to announce that, thanks to your feedback originally posted on our Discord server, we're adding TDX's limited events to our Speedrun.com page for the current Christmas 2023 event and events in the future! This is an exciting step forward for our community, and we can't wait to see th

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