Category questions
7 years ago
Pernambuco, Brazil

Hello. I just want to get some questions about the categories.

  1. Would it not better for the "Beat The Game" category to be called "Basic Series"?
  2. Why not include the "Real Combat Series" category?

Thank you for your attention.

Arkansas, USA

I'm assuming that Basic Series and Real Combat Series are different game modes and Basic Series is the one we've been playing (I can't actually read the menus lol). If so I'll change Beat the Game to Basic Series, but I'd prefer if there was already a run of Real Combat Series before adding it.

Wallyzorde gefällt das.
Pernambuco, Brazil

Well, i can make a run of Real Combat Series but i'd prefer someone submit too, even knowing that may be difficult for someone to do this because this game is really unknown.

Arkansas, USA

I'd be willing to give it a shot depending on how long it is.

Pernambuco, Brazil

It´s short. There are 5 stages too but the stages order and the bosses are completely random. Sometimes you can take some special ability when starts a new stage but you lose it when die.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 7 years ago
Arkansas, USA

Ah ok, I'll give it a shot once I can speedrun again.

Wallyzorde gefällt das.
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