(WIP) A Runner's guide to trapping his/her/their master in a dashade as fast as possible
(WIP) A Runner's guide to trapping his/her/their master in a dashade as fast as possible
Aktualisiert 2 years ago von Prudiirayshe_a

(Sith inquisitor chapter 1 guide) While I don't have everything down on a document I thought it would be helpful to lay down some of the bigger optimizations/ important figures to remember if you want to run Sith inquisitor through and beyond chapter 1. ALSO WHEN IT SAYS TRAVEL TO A PLANET DON'T USE HEROIC QUICK TRAEL MISSIONS UNTIL AFTER THE HOLOCALL AND/OR FORCE GHOST CHAT. TRAVEL TO PLANETS IN YOUR SHIP AND WAIT FOR THE MISSION TEXT TO SWAP FROM "TRAVEL TO X" TO THE MISSION TEXT. Important leveling figures to remember: While only a soft requirement you should aim for level 17 before entering nar shadaa to ensure you can pick up the heroic missions (specifically the jedi rebel mission and A Pound of Flesh) which will be used to skip taxis and/or to save a large amount of time on the second to last mission in chapter 1. Level 24 is REQUIRED to damage the level 30-31 jedi on Alderaan, the target number is 23-23.5 ENTERING Alderaan. Level 33 is a hard lock on Quesh for chapter 2.