All Achievements category
5 years ago
Illinois, USA

I think we should add all achievements to the leaderboard its pretty enjoyable doing fights instead of avoiding them and seeing fusions/team attacks.

I agree that All Achievements would make for a good category (certainly has a bit more substance than things like Map Completion and CBF%) the only problem I have is that PC users would have difficulty because as far as I can tell there's no way to delete achievements and it would be tedious for both the runner and moderator to verify some of them being accomplished (e.g. make sure all team attacks got used, got every boltron fortune)

Which isn't an argument against making it, just kinda sucks PC users would be at a disadvantage (but hey, maybe it's good we finally have a category where consoles have the advantage). I suppose it could also be a console only category for the sake of convenience?

polarbearswag19 gefällt das.
Illinois, USA

That's pretty unfortunate that pc can't make like guest accounts to restart the achievements but if anything if it does only become a console only category then we for sure should consider splitting console/pc runs up.

Illinois, USA

If this does go on the leader board i think it should not be in the main category for now since not everyone would be able to do it.

Yeah and maybe a Misc section that we can also toss CBF% into, along with the Map Completion idea I had, as well as an Amethyst and Pearl category with the parameters I mentioned on discord awhile back.

polarbearswag19 gefällt das.
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