New Moderator (About the leaderboard)
Thanking the site moderation for adding me as a Super Mod on this leaderboard for my request, so for the new runners don't worry that your runs will be analyzed with no problem of inactivity.
Please, for the old moderator who does not feel uncomfortable with these changes, I will not do any harm, joke or harm the game leaderboard anymore, I will just take responsibility.
- Rules updates;
- Themes added;
- I've removed most of the categories because I don't see the need for them and they wouldn't encourage many people to do them;
- The use of modified apps (APK MOD) will be allowed as was the case with the decent runs, as the game is pay to win I will allow the modified app so that there is no problem with coins and you can complete the stages using as many coins as you want, the important thing is to pass the stage as quickly as possible with the fewest deaths;
- Read the rules carefully because you won't be allowed to use resources in the races, as I said earlier that the game is pay to win, so these coins are only used for one function and not to buy resources in the game (regardless of the version);
- More categories and resources will be added soon.
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