Autosplitter now available in Livesplit
3 years ago
Etelä-Pohjanmaa, Finland

Hello, I have created an autosplitter for this game and it's now available directly in Livesplit. A full run has never been done on this so testing would be appreciated, as I don't run the full game yet myself. Includes start, split and reset functionalities. It has pretty much only been tested in hub 1 + bosses.

Known bugs/problems: -When starting the game, for some reason will quickly start and reset if your splits are on. -Sometimes (happened twice to me so far) the variable used to trigger splitting does not initialize properly in the game and this causes splitting to not work. Restarting the game fixes it - hopefully this cannot happen mid run. (Might not happen anymore)

Edit: Was able to find an improved way of tracking the game state. All levels and bosses should now split when finishing the level, but I've only tested the first two hubs.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 3 years ago
qwillinallthefish gefällt das.
Indiana, USA

Hey there, I'll hopefully be giving the auto splitter a test with a full run today and let you know how it goes! Thanks for making it!

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