Stage 6 strats - Max
1 year ago
United States

Hello all, I am new here.

I am wondering if there are some strats that can be used to get the ninjas at the very begnning of stage 6 to line up for max to get an atomic drop on both of then. I once tried it using a savestate, but never got it, wondering if RNG would not allow it or what.

I really enjoy the guides that can be found on here, hope we can make some more of them for the later levels, because that's where I and probably others need a lot of improvement. I plan to contribute what I learn about the game when the time is right :)

Mr_Tomahawk und LordKianster gefällt das.

Both ninjas? red and blue? i think trying to do that wont help you save time tough. The main strategy is atomic drop the first one twice and then thunder tackle and dash the second one (red). I like your idea of getting strats per splits, thats awesome. i upload like highlights froms splits on my youtube chanel, small videos, you can get someting from there, i will upload my strat on that specific split that you mention ok

Mr_Tomahawk gefällt das.

Hi Stencilite, welcome to the community!

As far as I'm aware, there's no consistent strat currently to get both of them to line up 100% of the time for the atomic drop. Usually when you gain control of Max, if you just hold right and don't slide/thunder tackle, then with a quick turn at the end you should be able to grab the one that drops from the sky. I go straight into an atomic drop from there and get the other Ninja to join in on it about 40-50% of the time? It's possible there is some RNG manipulation you could pull to get this figure higher but as of yet I don't believe anyone has the magic key!

Mr_Tomahawk und LordKianster gefällt das.

When you load a save from an actual run you will notice that on a good save the ninjas will line up and atomic drop together every single time. If you load the stage 6 from the cheat code you will never get them to line up for example. Its just RNG. I remember asking Antho this exact question when I started running this game as well. I was sure that he knew something that I didnt! Sadly its just random based on how the RNG is set for each different run. What difficulty are you running Stencilite? Personally I get very excited for new players joining the club! I hope to see your runs sometime in the future :)

As for the guides, yeah more guides the better. Stage 7 for example has alot of improvisation that will take time to learn from experience. If your looking for safe strats I suggest watching Anthopants no death run. There are a couple of cheese strats to learn for Jets and Kickboxer sections on stage 7 that should help alot. The jet strat has you kill one jet at a time and the kickboxer strat has the enemies stuck and you slice them all with the sword. If you look around some of anthopants videos you should be able to find it. His no death run may be a little more improv when he fails the strats hes aiming for thats why I suggest looking around. I may just made a video in the future for easy access for people.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 1 year ago
LordKianster gefällt das.

Antho or Iopa are more qualified to help with this sort of thing but I've made this rough video to give you an idea for what some of the strats on Stage 7 would look like.

If your struggling on stage 5 boss R Bear I suggest throwing the sword at the 2nd bongo to spawn him before dealing with R Bear and then killing R Bear on his own by using defensive special and grabbing him against the wall, either that or using the sword to kill him and not spawning that 2nd bongo at all.

Also you can spawn the boss on stage 6 on his own, most people are using this strat especially on mania so you should be able to just copy somebody's runs for this quite easily.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 1 year ago
LordKianster gefällt das.
United States

Thanks all for the responses. Mr. Tomahawk, my experience lines up exactly with what you said about getting atomic drop on both ninjas 0% of the time when starting stage 6 with the cheat code. My thought is to get a number of different save states at the end of stage 5 and try to compare the RAM values to see if there is some possibility that I could find a pattern about when the second ninja comes down and lines up for the atomic drop. Not sure if this is viable, but it can't hurt to try!

I am currently playing Max in hardest and mania difficulties, more so in mania. So far I do not have any real-time runs to post. I have been practicing and recording using the emulator's movie feature, and taking little breaks, so the real time is much slower than in-game time in the emulator movie. If and when I get to the point of uploading runs, I will set up to get webcam recordings of real-time play. Rough goals now are to get hardest time down to about 45 minutes (now it's taking about 55 minutes) and just be able to get through to the end on mania.

Mr_Tomahawk und LordKianster gefällt das.

Hope to see your run submissions soon Stencilite, and welcome to sor2 community :)

Mr_Tomahawk gefällt das.

Great idea to analyse some parts of the game to see if you can find any patterns that we can manipulate. I will be excited what you find out about the game with such creative ideas and approaches like this :) Once you get setup make sure to update us with your videos or streaming channels so we can join you and cheer you on :) heh take care

United States

Okay, here is what I found so far:

In the savestate I have where the second ninja lines up, if Max just walks right and then turns left to grab the first ninja from behind, and then stays still, the second ninja walks down for a fraction of a second, punches once left and then gets locked in a state where he is punching right. In the one savestate I have where he does not line up for the drop, when max does the same thing, he instead does his somersault six times, three to the right and three back to the left, and after that he gets stuck in the infinite air punch. That's pretty funny to see! He keeps punching the air until the timer runs out. I have not yet got into checking the RAM values for these, but I'll get back and report my findings once I have more.


Thats interesting. What I would do if I were you is: get a sample of say 10-20 stage 6 at the start, do the exact same movements each save and record the differences. If you want to sample a different movement, then make another video with 10-20 samples showing this as well. Its easier to show your findings than explaining them. And most importantly, best to find something thats useful to use in actual runs. Thats the juicy stuff everyone wants to know.

United States

Yeah, that's what I had in mind. Get a big enough sample size to give the move with the best probability outcome, for example atomic drop in place versus atomic drop to the right. Or depending on what the enemies do, wait for their movements before performing atomic drop.

There's another little detail thing I'm curious about now.. In stage 2, I've been playing around with spawning the biker early. This is done by defeating the Donovan and the Galsia before scrolling the screen to the right. It looks like it may be just as fast as scrolling right immediately and then waiting for the biker to spawn after defeating all the enemies. Anyone else experimented with this?


you could be on to something yeah, can you show us?

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