Leaderboard runs removed?
3 years ago
United States

I see that the Any%, 120 Shines, 96 Shines, 20 Shines, and 79 Shines WR runs were removed. Why?

United States

Actually I think it's that Guy's and Oatflaker's runs got removed.


Some drama in the Super Mario Sunshine Community happened.

To understand more you should read this: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZQshMWOFCoUXFdjAYHxfwPzXGZOHEJ74_v10K78jLcg/edit

BlueJay2018 gefällt das.
United States

Thanks! But I still can't find Oatflakers 20 shine WR on yt.


He might of deleted it.

He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

personally, i think this is a lot of bullshit. they didnt spend hundreds, hell, even thousands of hours grinding this game just to be anonymized because of something completely unrelated to the accomplishments itself. like, learn to separate the run and the runner, goddamnit

Waxy, Auddy und 8 Andere gefällt das.
Pays de la Loire, France

And others didn't spend hundreds, hell, even thousands of hours grinding this game just to be bullied off the community by a toxic group. Turns out if you regularly act like a piece of trash, people will want you gone no matter how good you are at video games.

Also "separating the run and the runner" is exactly what we're doing by anonymizing them?

BlueJay2018, Zeldocto und 46 Andere gefällt das.
Washington, USA

Why are the anonymous numbered?

Pays de la Loire, France

Otherwise SRC would treat them all as the same account, only show one of them by default, and treat the rest as obsolete

BlueJay2018 gefällt das.
British Columbia, Canada

Maybe they they spent hundreds, hell, even thousands of hours learning how to not be pieces of shit they wouldn't have their runs removed

Just a thought

Zeldocto, Wookis und 17 Andere gefällt das.

They removed it themself. One of them even deleted their speedrun.com account

BlueJay2018 gefällt das.
Madrid, Spain

it doesnt take hundreds of hours to be a decent person. Off site conduct that is considered detrimental like bullying and stuff is bannable

Wookis, An_D und 2 Andere gefällt das.

Boy, I was gonna watch old WR in SMS (low 1:13 record I believe) and I found out about a drama in a speedruning community.

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