Min caps
4 years ago
Tyrol, Austria

Why arent there a 4captures and a 12 captures leaderboard Because Minimum on 1.0 - 1.1 with 2p is 3 caps Minimum on 1.2 - 1.3 with 2p is 4 caps Minimum on 1.0 - 1.1 with 1p is 12 caps Minimum on 1.2 - 1.3 with 1p is 13 caps

OIAGYT, mruns und 3 Andere gefällt das.

lack of interest.

13 is the most easily accessible and 3 is the current known limit. having more categories would divide an already low interest even lower

Merl_, OIAGYT und 6 Andere gefällt das.

But we can add 12 and 4 caps

Pennsylvania, USA

I do understand the appeal of a 4 captures category(and im all for it) but most people who run 4 captures(myself included) have a 1.0 cartridge and are either working on running 3 captures, considering it, or are saving up for a new switch for 3 captures. I disagree with the notion that if they added 4 captures they would have to add 5 captures and 6 and 7... no i think the point of the 2p categories are that if you learn one CRC, you learn them all. However, I don't think that a 12 captures category would be fun or even ran at all. 13 captures is primarily ran by mainboard runners as something different to do. Adding nut jump to that is just stupid bc if a min caps runner wanted to do a run with nut jump, they would just do 3 captures. Adding 4 captures with the same rules as 3 captures does bring up an issue though. Since the runner could start doing a 3 captures run and accidentally(or purposefully) capture something and continue with the run finishing with nutjump instead of the final bowsers wire, that ruins the entire point of doing a 4 captures run. I propose writing in the rules the specific captures that are allowed in the run.

Zennan, KilleDragon, und IwerSonsch gefällt das.
United States
She/Her, It/Its
4 years ago

I think that allowing 4 captures would allow accessibility to those who are currently unable to get a 1.0 version of the game. However, if 4 captures is added, the version should be restricted to 1.2-1.3 to discourage current 3 caps players from getting a run in just because they accidentally captured something they weren't supposed to.

12 caps on the other hand seems completely pointless to me. If you're going through the effort of getting a 1.0 cart, you might as well learn some of the 2p movement. Most of it is very easy now, as "Broodon'tdon't" is an alternative to the very difficult to learn "Broodon't" (not to mention also being faster). CRCs have also gotten a lot easier to do, as technically all of them can be done without having to use the CRC timed beat of around 3.13s.

I think 3, 4, and 13 captures are the only subcategories that Minimum Captures needs.

linny356, KilleDragon, und IwerSonsch gefällt das.

That, or you could define 4 captures by specifically banning the Nut Jump glitch. This would make 4 captures an option for 3 captures runners, but only when running it like a normal 4 captures run

04dude3, KilleDragon, und Mars2030 gefällt das.
Pennsylvania, USA

I agree with Mars. 3, 4, and 13 are the only reasonable categories. I do think that allowing 1.0 and 1.1 for 4 captures would also be reasonable because of 1.0 specific tricks like spinthrow clip and icicle clip which balance well with the faster 1.3 loads. I personally know a few 4 captures runners who have already submitted and I also submitted a run so I think that fairly soon the subcategory will be added. I however would like to propose that the min caps leaderboard be reformatted to be like Grady's Leaderboard when the category was removed: arranging it by capture count first then by time. That way a 10 hour 3 captures run would be placed higher than a 1:10 13 captures but still be on the same leaderboard. that seems like a good balance for people who are learning CRCs but don't know all of them. However each runner only gets 1 placement, so the lowest capture count is the one that counts.

linny356 und KilleDragon gefällt das.
French Southern Territories

I don't see the point in a 4 cap run, because sure, nut jump is annoying, but to get that low you still need to pull off a precise two-frame trick multiple times, which makes nut jump seem less hard by comparison.

KilleDragon gefällt das.
Pennsylvania, USA

By 2 Frame Trick, do you mean timed CRCs? because there is only one suggested timed CRC in the run and that is possible to skip. Even that timed CRC is much easier to do than nut jump because there is a beat and you have infinite time to prepare for it. The nut jump is a few frame trick that you have to do anywhere from 17 to 40 times in a row with no time in between. There is also the issue of versions. The CRCs are possible on all versions but nut jump is only possible on 2 versions--one being extremely rare. Making a runner buy the game a second time and lose all of their data on their switch--or buy another switch for just one trick-- is an insane cost which not everyone can pay. 4 Caps is also much more accessible because there are currently over 100 people in the CRC discord but i can only think of a handful of people who have ever gotten nut jump in a run(some of those people have quit the category) so 4 captures seems like a much more accessible category while also not being superfluous.

IwerSonsch und Merl_ gefällt das.
Pennsylvania, USA

@Cursed1701 Lack of interest? There are currently 8 people who have recorded 4 captures runs(that i can think of) and I think most--if not all-- have submitted to pending recently. Thats a much higher number than most Category Extensions.

IwerSonsch gefällt das.


8 is still not a lot of runners dude. Most ce's are made and ran a few times within the first month then rarely touched until someone decides they want a record.

previously, there were subcategories for 10,11,13,14 or w/e it was at the time. 14 caps was cool and actually had quite a bit of interest but the rest were ghost towns.

Basque Country

@Merl_ I think you just cant do it it 1.2.0 and 1.3.0 , so for people without 1.0.0 or 1.1.0 ? The min caps is 4 So for those add a 4 caps one, to they can do it

Bearbeitet von der Autor 4 years ago
Maryland, USA

Or you can add a category that restricts CRC, but that seems a little bit overboard.

KilleDragon gefällt das.
Pennsylvania, USA

A category that doesnt allow CRCs is 13 captures. Anything fewer without CRCs is useless.

KilleDragon gefällt das.
Basque Country

@linny356 just I was thinking also on that lol In all case, I think that the least posible is 9 on 1.1.0- and 1.2.0+ , basicaly adding broodont and in 1.1.0- nut jump

Basque Country

@linny356 just I was thinking also on that lol In all case, I think that the least posible is 9 on 1.1.0- and 1.2.0+ , basicaly adding broodont and in 1.1.0- nut jump

Pennsylvania, USA

@KilleDragon the biggest problem with that is that old Broodon't is that its irrelevant now because of the SCRC so nobody cares about it and im pretty sure everyone who did 10/9 caps just forgot it now.

KilleDragon und 04dude3 gefällt das.
Minnesota, USA

I know I'm a bit late but I want my input to be here. I am a new runner to minimum captures, and I not only have a digital download, but don't have money to purchase a new one if I wanted to be on 1.0. 4 caps would allow me to play 2 player and get validation for my effort, which I've put a lot of into mincaps, but I think that we should have at least 3,4, and 13.

KilleDragon gefällt das.
Basque Country

Yeah, definitely the best to add to min caps is 4 caps, for the people that want to run it but being in 1.3.0

Crafty12345 gefällt das.
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