Do you have a strong case to warrant a consideration? "Why not" isn't a good reason.
My current stance is that I don't see why it should be. It's not a super popular category and has an abnormal ruleset from what you'd generally see as a main leaderboard category and it's not one that people are really looking for when they explore SMB1 speedruns.
and also its a category extension for smb2j, smb2u and smb3 aswell so it would make no sense for this to be the one with it in the main board
imo there's much better categories than 1 warp to make cases for being put on the main leaderboard
I was just thinking 1 warp would be the middle category in between any% and warpless.
Hey Folks!
Just wanted to announce a new change to timing methods for both 11x categories. The new timing standards are as follows:
- Timing starts from power-on/reset (or game select if you're using one of the combo cartridges).
- Timing ends on grabbing the axe on the 11th run.
- Time betw