Adding a limit for submitting runs without video
I think people without video should not be able to submit runs if they are under a certain time limit, for example: ep 1 not allowed to submit runs that are sub 32:00.
I feel like putting down a limit would be a positive change for people without capture cards.
Point taken, I just feel like there is a certain curiosity about what the float limit actually is, that people might not submit runs.
PS4/PS5 Leaderboard Restructuring
The PS4 and PS5 versions of Sly 2 have been patched, removing the ability to skip cutscenes by pressing start (Universal Cutscene Skip / UCSS).
Since v1.0 is inaccessible on a PS5, we have moved all v1.0 runs performed on a PS5 to a Legacy board stored on the Category Extensions page. That boar
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Level: Episode 8
Level: Episode 8
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