Cant delete my Safe
2 years ago
Berlin, Germany

HI, i want to do a 100% run and i have to delete my safe data. i done it like in the intructions but my items in the Scrap book were still there :(

How can i do that that all thinks are deleted

Pennsylvania, USA
  1. Make sure Steam and Slender: The Arrival are closed
  2. Open "Registry Editor" in Windows
  3. On the left, find HKEY_CURRENT_USER then find SOFTWARE then find BLUE ISLE STUDIOS then find SLENDER - THE ARRIVAL. Click on SLENDER - THE ARRIVAL
  4. On the righthand side you will see a list of items. Find the ones that start with CB (examples: cb_00_h176621627 and cb_16_h176621532). Delete all 50 of these cb items out of the registry by highlighting them all, rightclicking, and selecting DELETE. It will give you a warning that this could cause system instability. Just select YES.

For me, I don't launch the game from Steam anymore so I recommend just finding the Slender: The Arrival game in your folders and launching it from there without Steam running. That way you don't have to worry about closing Steam after every single run because you are going to have to delete these registry entries after each run so you start with a clean slate.

Pennsylvania, USA

Oh and I should have mentioned that if Steam is running when you do this, deleting them from the Registry doesn't work. That's another reason it's best to launch the game from the icon without Steam running and make sure Steam isn't up in the background either.

Berlin, Germany

It worked :D

Thank you so much

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