9 years ago
Oregon, USA

Any% needs to be a category as Fashcz has already done a run of it in 24:53. Also I am super glad that this run is a thing now because I have always wanted to run this game, but never knew where to start :P

Oregon, USA

And if anybody wants to do some races I would be down as well. I will be grinding 100% essentially all day today.

Illinois, USA

I'll add any% today. I was unsure if you were even able to beat the game without collecting every item. Do you know what triggers the final cutscene and how you're able to get there without getting 100% completion within the game?

Oregon, USA

you can just get all of the keys and there are clips and zips to get most of them.

Oregon, USA

also is there any way I could get you guys's skype names and we could make a group for this game as an easier place to discuss strats and routes? I think it would be a good idea since I am in a few other skype groups for other speedgames.

Illinois, USA

Feel free to make a skype group. Post your skype name and anyone who wants to join can message you on there and request it. I'm going to make any% a category right now.

Oregon, USA

Nice dude. Yeah my skype name is "Jonathan Breckheimer" for anyone that wants to join the Shrek skype group :P

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