Congrats to Bowie - but going forward....
5 years ago
Wiltshire, England

Well done to BOWIEtheHERO, got a sub 13 run the other day.

Guess its time to clean my Saturn up and give it another go.

Perhaps a Chapter 2 run should be next on our list :o

I did a post on the series forum about what could be done generally for the rest of the game, but I don't think anyone answered.

Although they are in effect different games, I'm wondering if Chapter 2 + 3 and perhaps a whole "game" run of all 3 chapters should just remain on one page. There is hardly a lot of categories / runners involved, it would probably be over kill to do another two entries for the other chapters. Hmmm.

Zanon gefällt das.
United Kingdom

Hey, man, thanks for the grats! I was definitely interested aswell about doing Scenario's 2 and 3 at some point, for sure! Medion's story is so good, and running it would be beaut, I feel. As for the all Scenarios, that would be an ordeal and a half. Would make routing very different, but perhaps a segmented version of that would be good.

3 Days, 3 Scenarios, one final time of all three together?

He/Him, They/Them
5 years ago

Hey guys. Yeah, first of all congrats for the new WR Bowie!

As for the categories, I think that if you just rename the "game" "Shining Force III" and the categories are "Scenario 1 | Scenario 2 | Scenario 3", with "Scenario 2" and "Scenario 3" Having two sub categories: "Any% No Previous Data" and "Any% w/Continue" (with regards to using the previous game save data?) that'd probably be better.

Unsure, however, how feasible that would be. Everyone would need to either run the original Japanese Version or we'd all have to have the same Translation Patch - which could be provided in "Resources" - so that everyone would have the same starting point.

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