Sub menu overlay glitch
5 years ago

New glitch in shenmue allows you to open up the sub menu for quitting (also saving but get into that later) and keep playing. Why this is useful is you can skip triggers (cutscene, blockers and events). Where this is useful in the speedrun is getting on the bus when you normally can't and skipping 2 cutscenes.

Here is how to do the glitch:

As I point out in this video, there is 2 ways of doing this glitch. Bedroom and anywhere you want setup Bedroom setup: Biggest downside is you can only do this at night. The any% speedrun doesn't go to bed until the 3rd day meaning you won't be able to do the glitches. Anywhere you want setup (can't think of a better name): Being able to do this anywhere you want is such a big upside, it outweights the downside. Which is this method is way more easier to crash compared to bedroom setup.

For the second method, there is doubt that it's possible on console, I can't get it working with a controller on PC so I have to use keyboard and mouse.

Here is example of the glitch being used in a run:

Time stamp for getting on the bus: 7:57 video timer/7:48 livesplit timer Time stamp for skipping the Goro cutscene: 21:52 video timer/21:43 livesplit timer

Time save total: 1 minute 25 seconds

Guizhang cutscene skip:

Time save total: 1 minute 33 seconds, being able to make it to the bus stop 30 in game minutes sooner

There is another glitch like this but using the save sub menu. However this has only been confirmed on the unpatched PS4 version. This can be viewed here:

Thanks to AKheon for finding this

Quince und DigitalDuck gefällt das.
United Kingdom

I need the pc version lol. Nice one mate the explanations great :)

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