THUG 1 - Potential Improvement Glitch
9 years ago

Yo guys wassup so as some of you might have noticed lately i've been running some THUG 1. After getting my 1st ever Eric skip about a week ago i tried to look around for more glitches.

So it appears that if you enter an vehicle and then instantly retry a goal for some reason you will ALLWAYS have a skateboard with you. I did this on the Goal 'get your gear back from the dealers'. Here there is the Sports race car located really close to where the the Goal starts. Initially i was hoping that i would instantly complete the goal by having a skateboard during it. Anyway i still think this could be a tad bit faster then what we currently do on this goal. (i roughly time compared it to wr and it could potentially be a few seconds lol ...) Anyway i found this an pretty interesting find and maybye people can find more stuff for the game this way ?!

Utrecht, Netherlands

Great find by a great person. :-)

Coombs68 gefällt das.
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