About Categories
1 year ago

Hey so, I've noticed that some categories just don't exist for things that should. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I can't find Plan C, Level X, Launch Site A, or Launch Site C.

There also aren't any categories that involve infinite mode (Other than the one Any% strat).

Not to mention there is no "all levels" speedrun for mobile or HTML5 versions of the game. As well as the existing all levels category not having a NG+ version. These combined are kinda meh, I don't have the version of the game to run those tunnels that haven't been run, but having no infinite mode speedrun and no "all levels" kinda sucks.

(PS: Why is it called "all levels" if you can skip the tutorial levels? Like what? Doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose and name of the category? The tutorial segment are still technically levels it feels weird you can just skip the in a run where the goal is to do them all.)



also this is my understanding of the situation which may or may not be accurate

Launch Site A, Launch Site C, and Level X are generally not speedran due to being too short to have reasonable competition on

a lot of run categories will exist if/when the game is done but currently don't due to being incomplete or unreleased, including Plan C, C-Tunnel, H-Tunnel, P-Tunnel, K-Tunnel, J-Tunnel, The Runway, Wormhole%, and Home%

infinite mode can barely be speedran properly due to the amount of RNG reliance; you could have a goal to get X power cells from a clean save, for example, but how do you optimize that when RNG is baked so deeply into the fabric of the run that any new record time renders new attempts less and less likely to have record pace because of factors outside the runner's control?

this isn't to say i don't also think there should be a LOT more categories. a couple i can think of now include "Skips" (where you have to skip around the little transition sections between levels) and Reverse categories for all ILs. i've also repeatedly suggested category splitting Any% into Bunny and Skater specific runs

i imagine categories could be added if one discusses any ideas with one of the current mods (of whom i am not one). i might try this soon; keep thinking of categories lol

Thanks, that explains a lot. :D

Queensland, Australia

Having read this, I think there’s actually some good ideas here. Infinite mode categories actually hadn’t crossed my mind - some interesting ideas might include as was already suggested power cell thresholds, or distance thresholds for example.

There is also the fact that speedrun.com does have better integration for high score leaderboards now and that seems like a reasonable idea to me for infinite mode, perhaps even including splitting by characters or respawns or power cells collected.

If you haven’t already, I recommend joining the discord and we’d be happy to discuss more ideas for categories, either main, misc, or extensions.

Sorry that I only just read this now, but it’s better late than never I suppose.

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