Attention Road Rashers!!!!!
1 year ago
Hamilton, ON, Canada

Please please please leave your in game times after each race so i can clearly see it for 1 or 2 seconds. Real time does not matter!!!!! There is no need to button mash after the race it over. This leaderbored has always been clocked by in game time for the ranking from 1st to last! So please do not feel the need to skip everything so fast. I want to be able to easiler check your in game times without having to pauses the screen over and over to be able to see you times after each race. I may even remove the real time because of this , real time in No category is what determines the fastest time. Being fast in the races is what matters. Thank you and please moving forward show your race times for 1 to 2 full seconds not 100th of second lol thaank you.


I'd remove RTA from the entire leaderboard, personally. I think the fact it's there confuses some people and some people might not sure if it will one day change to RTA, but no, it will not. This game is IGT and IGT only. No need to smash the buttons between races, take a second to show your time visibly.

JwFu, Matias_daisenryaku und 2 Andere gefällt das.

Yeah, no bother...whatever makes it easier for you guys to verify 'em !

AlphaNerd und MasterSystemMarceau gefällt das.

FYI I've taken off the RTA times and moved them in the notes of each run. It looks much cleaner like this in my opinion. Less confusing too.

SpeccyPlays und AlphaNerd gefällt das.
Hamilton, ON, Canada

fantastic. So they still exist I someone needs then. But are otherwise gone. Clean nand straight forward. And no one has to button mash like crazy and can have a sip of water between races lol


In light of RTA elimination, maybe add to 'game rules' that failing races times do still count to total IGT... case any future speedrunner starts to do 'race shopping' and after having 2 or 3 good races, start wrecking/getting busted the other ones before ending them, until they get cleaner ones hahah

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