Currently the game is on Patch #2 with a 3rd big patch coming on October 5th. while I currently have runs of each category unlisted on YouTube, I am going to wait until this patch launches, then redo the runs. The reason is because of the amount of changes coming:
"In this update, you will experience decreased loading times, see audio and visual improvements, and notice improvements to issues you may have experienced with waypoints, achievement tracking, collision locations, checkpoints and respawn points."
The biggest change is load times, which currently range from 26ish seconds (Joules Crawler) to a minute and ten seconds (Cradle, Shifting Sands, and Warren). the collision locations might effect some of the skips I found as well (hopefully not though since I never publicly revealed them)
If you are curious about my current PBs, here are my times: Victor 1 - 1:29:55 any% - 2:57:54 45 Core - 4:14:52
So far, it appears nothing regarding the speedrun tricks i have found are changed. Doing runs today. Hopefully have a recorded run of each route