How would I become a moderator?
4 years ago
United Kingdom

If there’s anyway I could possibly become a moderator please let me know, as I’m very interested in speedrunning on rec room and feel like I could help moderate the website well.

Act_, Ronin und 3 Andere gefällt das.
United States

Make Allsfair a moderator, he'll verify all the JT runs. :P The original mods don't do anything anymore, neither does BigChicken, he doesn't even speedrun...not sure why he was a mod in the first place. I'm pretty sure Rocko looks at a lot of the runs, but doesn't verify nearly as much as Boethiah and Goblin.

I have nothing but respect for the 3 mods, but I feel as though they're too nice, and have some laziness. I've seen some runs that shouldn't have even been verified in the first place, like a crimson solo with the player's height set to 8 feet, like cmon. There was a crescendo run that was verified as a trio, when it was a solo. It's the mod's job to fix these mistakes, but yet never were. I had to message Rocko about it to get him to fix it. Another example is Sweetless' 8:31 duo. She put the time under "real time" instead of "in-game time" and it placed the run at last. It was never fixed until I told her how to edit the run.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 4 years ago
Act_, Caos und 3 Andere gefällt das.
Texas, USA

I could moderate Golden (anybody could) and CBM, and if a StuntRunner category was added I'm probably your best bet. Also I'm going to give a +1 to the inactive mods and definately the very... laxed... approach to the rules.

Act_ gefällt das.
New York City, NY, USA

Well I could moderate Jumbotron. I was thinking about that for a bit that there are too many runs and not enough moderators to look at them. I could do Jumbotron and Isle because those are my favorites and I'm better at them then I am at the other quests

Act_, fire, und Chameleon gefällt das.
United States

I could also moderate JT and it’s kind of Annoying to wait 3 weeks for a run to be verified

Act_ und fire gefällt das.
Gelderland, Netherlands

The thing here is, each and every run is submitted here, while the goal remains to try and better existing times. If a run isn't top three material, one should first try and better their time. Just my two cents.

Act_, Pigsell, und Cyclic.rr gefällt das.
United Kingdom

I agree, could you fix My blood moon duo s run? For some reason it was verified as as a trio.

Act_ gefällt das.
New York City, NY, USA

I agree as well

Act_ gefällt das.
United States

The problem is, every quest has a huge skill-gap, and I would say there is one clear top player for each quest. My jumbotron solo is unbeatable for everyone except myself, I bet no one can even get within 2 minutes of my time. With Jumbotron being the hardest quest, (no argument can be made), it really separates the good players from the bad ones. Absolutely every run that gets submitted should be verified, simply having your name on the board will get you noticed by the top players. I always watch every JT speedrun to look for potential. "Are they good enough for WR" or "can I make them better to get a WR?"

Act_ gefällt das.
United States

i totally agree. i only started maybe 2 months ago.

Act_ gefällt das.
South Dakota, USA

There is quite a bit of back story into how the 4 of us became moderators on the speed run site which many of you may not know and while we are moderators I don't think we even have the ability to appoint new/remove inactive moderators (D9ner/MsKitty refused to hand this over). Like most things this is completely voluntary and most of us have jobs or families which come first and foremost. There has been a great influx in runs over the last 6 months and we have worked to keep verifying them.

At our start we made the rules lax and figured we would add to them as things occurred.. I.E. the use of the recalibration tool in CBM runs. While the rules are still rather lax it is not impossible for them to be amended. I would say it is however a near impossible task to go back through and remove each run which had previously been verified but now breaks a newly implemented rule. If you notice a run was verified but the time was incorrect or a old run breaks newly implemented rules then feel free to reach out to one of us and we can handle the issue.

While it would make sense to have several of you as moderators it would also lead to a conflict of interest. The reason the 4 of us were appointed as moderators at the same time was to mitigate that conflict of interest.

If you would like to discuss this further feel free to DM me on Discord: Rocko#8625

Act_ gefällt das.
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New Category Extension Category

Attention everyone, a new category for Category Extensions has been made. The category is called Mixed Weapons%. The category rules are as follows:

This category is Any% and only meant for multiplayer runs. Complete the game as fast as possible but everyone must be using a different weapon to main.

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