FPS question
4 years ago
Newfoundland, Canada

Hi, ive had a browse and cant find a specific answer to my question. Ive limited my frames to 120 through my nvidia control panel, my pc isnt great and i vary frames from 80-120, will this be acceptable for a run? Second issue is occansionally ill see my frames go to 121 even though I have them capped at 120, will this auto invalidate a run?


no you will be fine

Chrizzall gefällt das.

1-2 frames over 120 couple second is fine.

My runs FPS is also 80-120 and accept.

Chrizzall gefällt das.
Washington, USA

Hey there,

Yes you will be fine. As long as it doesn't go higher than 121 you are good. It's okay for the FPS to fluctuate and pretty normal. A lot of people can't run the game at a constant 120 FPS.

Newfoundland, Canada

Awesome, thanks so much for the replies, cant wait to get a usable time, had a sub hour back in the day but didn't heed the fps rules!

Newfoundland, Canada

Awesome, thanks so much for the replies, cant wait to get a usable time, had a sub hour back in the day but didn't heed the fps rules!

smashsido gefällt das.