1 year ago
Arkansas, USA

so i subbmitted a run and i put it as 30:40:00 and really its 30:44:00 and it hasnt been verified yet while writing this so if a mod of verifyer sees this can u change it, thx -BanksLukePvZ

København, Denmark

so ur saying that a mod needs to retime your run????? crazy bro, mods would never do anything like that bro

gefällt das.
New York City, NY, USA


Bearbeitet von der Autor 1 year ago
DysseAlex gefällt das.
København, Denmark


TurkeyUSAgermany gefällt das.
New York City, NY, USA

@cutedog5695 its me that guy who friend requested you in teamwork puzzles, did ya decide yet

Bearbeitet von der Autor 1 year ago
New York City, NY, USA

@skittlescat wanna run break in with me and prince?


@frenzickgravy90 sorry didnt get your ping lmao, skittles told me about your message. yea i accepted it now