Authorizing overclock mod for the PSP runs?
4 years ago
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

Hello guys!

I'm making this thread so we can talk about authorizing or not the usage of overclocking for the PSP categories (not the Emulation ones).

I have already made a thread about this to get opinions from runners of other games here:

The pros of overclocking:

-It's the only way to record properly the game using RemoteJoyLite (without overclocking, RJL makes Pursuit Force lag too much), and this is certainly a more comfortable way to record the game than using something like a webcam, both for runners and viewers;

-Someone could use the overclock even if it was forbidden, and it could be very hard to notice it.

The cons:

-It's a modification of the console that could bring an advantage over the runners who uses unmodified consoles (less framerate drops, faster loading times), and should normally be forbidden;

-We could accept the overclocked PSP runs on the Emulator categories instead of the Console categories (because emulation is never 100% accurate to the original console).

For now, I authorize the overclocked PSP runs, but that could change in the future if enough people are against it.

Ontario, Canada

I am for it because... A ) is very easy for people to set up softmodding their PSP. In fact, I don't know a single person who hasn't yet. B ) ...overclocking cannot make you go faster than intended by the devs. It may reduce lag in some areas, but places like Pursuit Plunder part 2 and Whiplash part 1 are still laggy. C ) ...RemoteJoyLite is a free and easy way for anyone to capture PSP footage, making the barrier to entry for hardware runs virtually nothing. Pursuit Force currently only has two runners that use hardware, and keeping that bar low for incoming people I feel is essential.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 4 years ago
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