Speichern: 1.0 Any% Save Pack (8/9/23)
1.0 Any% Save Pack (8/9/23)
Aktualisiert 1 year ago von Vorime

To use these saves on Windows, place them in C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\pseudoregalia\Saved\SaveGames (reference USER is your username of PC)

  • File 1 - Boss Fight
  • File 2 - Post-Slide (Dungeon/Underbelly movement)
  • File 3 - Post-Cling in Tower (can practice both tower segments)
  • File 4 - Post Cling in Bailey (can practice movement to Indignation/Keep as well as endgame Bailey segment)
  • File 5 - Keep OOB Practice
  • File 6 - Underbelly Segment Practice
  • File 7 - Post-Underbelly in Keep (movement through Keep+Theater practice)
  • File 8 - Theater OOB Practice/Movement to Bailey
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[RULE CHANGE] [No OOB] Dillapidated Dungeon Secret Breakable Wall near Strong Eyes.

With the Map Update, 2 breakable Walls, and a passage connecting them, were added in the Dillapidated Dungeon:

  • near Strong Eyes
  • near the Castle Sansa Exit.

This passage allows for skipping the key door near Strong Eyes when leaving for the Sansa Castle.

However, the passage is not enclosed

6 months ago
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