New Categories
Hello, we started working on Category Extensions for Chapter 2, here's the current list of categories that we have right now:
Sprintless Jumpless Death% (Void, Bunzo etc.) All Jumpscares/All Deaths Separate Minigames Darkness
If you have other category ideas, you can write them in the pin
Kürzliche Durchläufe
100%, No Major Skips, PC
(120, 1.0)

0m 00s 001ms
Not Applicable (Read description)
100%, Inbounds, PC
(120, 1.0)

0m 00s 001ms
Not Applicable (Read description)
All Minigames, No Major Skips, PC
(120, 1.0)

0m 00s 001ms
Not Applicable (Read description)
All Minigames, Inbounds, PC
(120, 1.0)

0m 00s 001ms
Not Applicable (Read description)
Any%, No Major Skips, PC
(120, 1.0)

0m 00s 001ms
Not Applicable (Read description)