Why the abnormally high amount of of %s in the category names?
2 years ago
Devon, England

It doesn't really make any sense and looks weird

Samylol99 and ElectroWeb like this
Colorado, USA

Idk, I guess you're right we could just call them by their normal names, I'll have a talk with my partner and we'll get back to you on that

Samylol99 likes this
Colorado, USA

Thanks for expressing your concerns, we have fixed the names, glad we could get some critiques to help us out

Samylol99 likes this

@xe Sure I'll fix it.

ElectroWeb likes this
Devon, England

unlock level% doesn't really make sense either but it definitely looks better htan before

Samylol99 and ElectroWeb like this
Colorado, USA

@xe Samy and I already discussed it and we agreed that we wanted to keep that one the way it was, we think it gives it a separate feel from the full game categories but thanks for giving us your honest opinions, you should attempt some runs its a fun game

Samylol99 likes this
Devon, England

i might try it out someday

ElectroWeb and Samylol99 like this
Colorado, USA

Hey just wanted to give you a quick update! Unlock Level% has been renamed to Individual Leval Runs (ILR)

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Individual Level Runs • New Sub-Categories Have Been Added!!!

We have a huge announcement all the Beat Stomper Moderators would like to share!

No Boost and No Stomp have now been added to our Individual Level Runs!

Thanks to the help of our moderators ElectroWeb, Coalan, and Samylol99 we have fina

7 months ago
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