Does anyone know if achievements reset if you uninstall the game?
Edited by the author
Finally a new category has been added!!! Personally I think it's different enough to where it feels different when running, it's called "Extra Life" highly recommend everyone to atleast submit one run for it, it's more fun than you'd expect it to be
Samylol99 likes this
@Jrobitaille47 hey looks like your wish finally came true! Sorry it took us 3 years though, would've been nice to have it earlier
Samylol99 likes this
Individual Level Runs • New Sub-Categories Have Been Added!!!
We have a huge announcement all the Beat Stomper Moderators would like to share!
No Boost and No Stomp have now been added to our Individual Level Runs!
Thanks to the help of our moderators ElectroWeb, Coalan, and Samylol99 we have fina
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