Glitches/Skips Thread
2 years ago
Tennessee, USA

Thread of new findings relating to glitches and skips. Anyone is free to post their findings. To start off, I'll post my current findings with video:

Thursday - Fix Race Keep Weapons (v1.0.4)

By putting the weapons into the bin, opening the door, getting back your weapons, and then ragdolling through the invisible barrier surrounding the door thanks to getting back your weapons, you'll be through the other side and can use your weapons during the race.

Thursday - Pit Boss Fire Skip (v1.0.4)

Lets you skip all triggers relating to fire and enemy spawns. Doing a ragdoll jump over the rubble next to the first fire will skip all triggers and can let you progress to the vault and end the errand like normal.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 2 years ago
SerWolfy gefällt das.
Indiana, USA

***As of v1.0.5 RWS added if you are a pacifist that you don't need to kill Vince, Mike J or El Plago and can skip right to Dad. So it seems that be a pacifist is the fastest route for speedrunning. Also as of v1.0.5 You can't deathwarp out of pet delivery and end Tuesday. It is glitched if you try that. ***

Dev Room Warp (v1.0.7) If you quick save quick load right after the starting a new day cartoon video (During the loading screen after that) the game will mess up and load you into the dev room. When in the dev room you can warp to different locations around the map but can't use the day warps or get loot button. We might be able to do this in other loading zone but more testing need to be done.

Deathwarping Example (v1.0.5) (Pacifist Save if using K Key):

Deathwarping is where you use a quick save as a checkpoint and you complete a task or errand and then either press "k" key to commit suicide (which this way is pacifist save) or by using a weapon to kill yourself (which is not pacifist save). after you do that you should be back where you quick saved. The video is an example of it being in use on the start of tuesday. This also can be used other places like Pet Shop.

Bustedwarping Example (v1.0.5) (Pacifist Save):

So bustedwarping is where you get caught by the cops on purpose. They will arrest you and you will go to the police station. This is very useful if you are on tuesday needing to do pay fine errand and you are far away from the station. You can just warp there and you get a different cutscene if you do so. At the end of this video I run to where you would be if you did this warp after pay fine is done. You would be in a jail cell. It just opens up and you have all of your weapons still.

Monday - Sewer Worker - Unclogging the pipes with Explosive Rounds (v1.0.4) (Pacifist Save):

When you start Monday there will be an AK in the dumpsters pick it up and buy 1 explosive round pack. (You can also use the Shotgun from the prison with the explosive rounds) Then when you are doing the unclogging the pipe part just apply the explosive rounds to the AK and shoot the shit in the pipe. Should take about 3-5 shots per pipe.

Example of where the AK is during my run:

Tuesday - Pet Shop Delivery: How to become the cat faster. (v1.0.5) (Pacifist Save):

Since v1.0.5 has either cause a glitch or RWS are intending for this to happen. If you deathwarp after delivering the package to the Pet shop to skip being a cat you can't complete Tuesday. So for this version right now you have to do the cat part. So to do this quick save right in front of the red door. Go down and deliver the package and then press "k" to commit suicide. Then press the space bar to reload from the last checkpoint which is your quick save. Then just kick the door open and there you go.

Tuesday - Border Smuggler Tranquilizer Round Trick:

So this wasn't mine idea it was a srd_27 's I just made a video for it. So buy a pack of Tranquilizer Rounds and M16 at least. The Cat and Reflex Scope is extra. Just Tranquilizes each border officer as they come and you can shoot the people over the drones early and it will count.

Wednesday - Kunny Island Skip (AKA Kunny Skip) (v1.0.4) (Can do on Pacifist):

There is a scooter outside of kunny's that is free (Free for 1.0 may change later). Take it and ride up the hill behind it and turn left going towards Kunny's. There is a rock wall all around Kunny Island. Walk on it and you should trigger the load for kunny Island. After The map loaded there is six power boxes. The first five of them you can see from the start. The last one you have to move around the side. Shoot them all with a sniper rifle and then just run back. Easy.

You can also do this skip without triggering the load for kunny Island.

Friday - PMS The Warden Quick "Kill" (v1.0.4) (Pacifist Save):

So on Thursday you will be task to go to the mail and taking out the The Warden. She is fairly easy. During your run you need to pick up 4 cats and on Wednesday there is a rocket launcher in the industrial district near fix race would be. It has 21 rockets on pick up. There is pictures of where it is below. After you have that go into the mail and just use a cat on the rocket and shoot. You then will guild the rocket to her. Repeat that 4 times and she down.

Wednesday - Mexican Clean Up with Rockets (v1.0.4) (Can't do on Pacifist unless really lucky):

Has shown above you can get the rocket launcher from the industrial district near fix race would be. Look at the pictures above. You will have 21 rockets to use. There is 22 piles of shit. Use the rocket launcher with an akimbo power and run around and shoot the piles of shit with the rockets. The Rockets will stick into the piles and blow up after some time. The last pile i used a mop to take out. Takes two hit with.

Thursday - Fix Race W/ Rocket Cats. (v1.0.5) (Pacifist Save):

So when you get to fix race just have a cat and a rocket launcher on hand. Apply the cat to the rocket launcher. Go up to the middle one so you can get all three with the blast. Shoot and you are good. Just let Red Racer win. Also make sure you have good health. I when from 100hp to 35hp.

Friday - Mike J Quick Kill (v1.0.4) (Don't need to do for pacifist):

During your run you should buy at least one explosive round pack. During Mexican Clean up there is a revolver near a postal event. Picture below. All you need to do is apply the explosive rounds to the revolver by holding down the mouse wheel and when you are on the revolver press "D" key and let go. You should see a red bang symbol by your gun in the top right. Now just shoot Mike J with it. should take 4-5 shoot as long as you land them.

Note that these next tricks are not that useful for a speedrun but cool to see. The speedrun way that I do is a Fournactor and akimbo power. Just shoot the boss 3-4 times and they should be dead.

Friday - El Plago Quick Kill (For Fun) (v1.0.4): For this you will need at least 15 grenades. When running toward El Plago's mansion don't run through the gate. Instead run up the hill and go around to the second corner of the wall and then jump and ragdoll by pressing "=" key. That will skip the trigger that spawns him. Run up to the desk in his office and throw down 15 grenades by right click your mouse. This makes the grenades turn into proximity grenades. Now run to the gate and trigger him to spawn. He should just die and you finish the errand.

Friday - Vince Quick Kill (for fun) (v1.0.4):

Same as El Plago you need 15 grenades. There is a hill that you can walk up before you get to the lodge he is in. run all the way up and then run past the building with the rocket launcher and head towards the lodge. You should be able you just run there without triggering him. When in the lodge run up the right stairs and at the top stop and turn left and just right click your grenades to be proximity grenades. now run down the street until you trigger him. He should just die and you finish the errand. Also in the beginning there is an another trick. When a scooter is trying to take a dollar from you. just exit it and run back to it and enter. This should just freeze the message and it will not take a dollar.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 2 years ago
HoonGoons gefällt das.

You can ragdoll to bypass a Zap Zone without going to a loading zone.

This is a bit useful for the start of Wednesday. You can bypass the Zap Zone that forces you to trigger a checkpoint. By bypassing the checkpoint, you can deathwarp closer to the east subway after finishing Kunni Island.

I also tried this on Tuesday to go to historical area for Tag Turf without triggering the checkpoint. None of the billboard loads (so errand can't be done), but you can go to the Treasure Hunter zone early since the roadblock isn't there :O

This doesn't seem to be of any use though. Once you take the alien head, nothing happens. And when you get out of the treasure hunter zone, you got blocked by the roadblock in Historical area.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 2 years ago
HoonGoons und SerWolfy gefällt das.

Ragdoll skips on Treasure Hunter, allows you to go to the second half of the dungeon immediately, and to deathwarp outside straight after taking the alien head by bypassing the intended checkpoints.

  1. Ragdoll through the entrance Zap Zone, allows you to fall OOB and the game will transport you to the middle of the Lost City area.
  2. Ragdoll through the temple entrance to skip the forced checkpoint, so you won't be deathwarped here later.
  3. Once errand is done, deathwarp will get you out of the Lost City. And if you make your last save next to a subway station, this will warp you to the subway station immediately since we bypassed all the intended checkpoints.
HoonGoons und SerWolfy gefällt das.

Pit Boss errand will actually be completed if the timer runs out and you failed to save the casino. So, by ragdolling to bypass the intended checkpoints inside the casino, you can just deathwarp out of the casino (straight to the subway station if that's the last save), and complete other errands for the whole day while the timer is still running.

Two checkpoints to bypass with ragdoll. The second checkpoint inside the vault room need to be bypassed twice.

(Edit: The timer will be stuck at 0 if it runs out when you're outside of the Zag area, and the errand won't be complete. This seems to be useless after all. Ragdolling through the checkpoints will still be useful for deathwarp though)

Bearbeitet von der Autor 2 years ago
SerWolfy gefällt das.

after Tag Turf, when walking back to the subway, could ragdoll to bypass the Zap Zone to skip one loading screen and to have less walking overall

Edit: Found an alternate OOB route from Tag Turf to subway for Border Smuggler. Unsure if this is faster than the route above, it gives an extra loading screen but we're using loadless timer anyway.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 2 years ago
SerWolfy gefällt das.

For the final escape part, we can escape through the Zag north bridge which is normally blocked. Turns out the bridge is actually present on the Affluent area east of Zag, and not blocked if we reach it by ragdolling through the Zag Zap Zone.

Funny thing is that the bridge isn't solid for walking, but is solid for any other objects including scooter. So we need to carry a scooter over the bridge.

  • After final boss, go to the east tunnel
  • Use Vitamin X so you can kick the scooter through the Zap Zone, and ragdoll to bypass the Zap Zone
  • The bridge isn't solid for walking, but is solid for scooter somehow
  • Fall OOB up north so the game will send you near the final exit point
SpectralPlatypus, SerWolfy, und HoonGoons gefällt das.

Before dropping the Fine Ticket inside the police station, you can drop a catnip to block the front door from closing, allows us to escape the lockdown immediately.

(Edit: Bucket of wings also work to unblock the door)

There's a red side door near the weapon drop box that's actually faster to escape from, but the Catnip need to be placed pretty precisely for that door to open wide enough for you to escape. So using the front door is easier.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 2 years ago
SpectralPlatypus, SerWolfy, und HoonGoons gefällt das.

You can ragdoll while holding an object and spam RMB to force the object to push Dude in the air. Works best against a wall. This glitch can be used to skip majority of Dam Inspector (also prevent enemy spawns on the higher floors):

SerWolfy und HoonGoons gefällt das.

Cat rockets can interact with most player triggers. A good example is Game Tester where the next level becomes available as soon as the player enters the current mission. Cat rockets can be used to bypass all levels:

SerWolfy und HoonGoons gefällt das.

Ragdolling while getting off a scooter effectively stores a position that can be warped back to anytime by ragdolling again:

This glitch also causes Dude's model to get stuck at this warp position, meaning enemies in other errand maps cannot target him. This is most likely very useful for Wednesday for both quickly warping back after Kunny Island and disabling enemy AI in Bidet errand.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 2 years ago
SerWolfy und HoonGoons gefällt das.

Same idea as cat rocket warping but with sniper bullet view that's enabled under the effects of catnip:

This can be combined with VX kicks to send targets great distances away and warp to them. It's very imprecise and likely not run viable but leaving it here for reference.

SerWolfy und HoonGoons gefällt das.

You can grab weapons or items, similar to how the box flying glitch is done. None of the weapons or items are big enough to move a huge distance though, unlike the box in Anu's Inn. Pigeon Mine seems to be the only reliable item to gain height with ragdoll (need to mash AltFire/RMB). To setup this specific jump, I leaned backwards against the wall to ensure the Dude doesn't fly in some random direction.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 2 years ago
SerWolfy und HoonGoons gefällt das.

It's possible to clear all sub-tasks in Sewer via colliding with the Debug boxes (shown below). This strat could be viable if we have a quick way of obtaining rocket launcher or sniper+catnip on Monday:

EDIT: It's possible to perform this skip with a sniper rifle while high on catnip Also all 3 sub tasks can be completed, just shoot one of the clogged drains afterwards to achieve errand completion

Bearbeitet von der Autor 2 years ago
SerWolfy und HoonGoons gefällt das.

RIP Cell Block C, enough said

Bearbeitet von der Autor 2 years ago
SerWolfy gefällt das.

Weapon wheel and ragdoll interactions are broken. Bringing up the weapon wheel prior to ragdolling will amplify the speed boost effect:

SerWolfy und HoonGoons gefällt das.

Yet another cat rocket skip. This one is great for avoiding weapon drop-off, which sends certain ammo types to shadow realm:

SerWolfy gefällt das.

When you have a sniper catnip bullet spawn inside a solid wall/ground, it seems that you'll immediately die while you're still a bullet, not as the Postal Dude. It has the following implications:

  • The previous Dude's body is still present on the world after you respawn. (and you'll get to hear Dude's "ouch" voices as you attack that body, even if the body has died)
  • The respawn resets your inventory to be the same as when you did your save (unlike regular deaths). E.g. I still have 8 Catnips in this clip after I respawn, instead of only 7.
  • This suicide method doesn't increase your kill count. So it's viable to use in a full any% run.
  • After respawn, your movement speed got slown down until the catnip wears off.

Killing ourself from a cat rocket explosion will have similar effects mentioned above, except that the previous body will disappear from the world.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 2 years ago
SerWolfy gefällt das.

By riding a scooter towards the Meet Associate cutscene start point, the game will teleport Dude's body to El Plago’s house, but not the scooter. After the cutscene, dismount from the scooter and you’ll be sent back to the scooter position on the original cutscene point.

This lets us walk to Border Smuggler immediately, without having to do the scooter warp setup on an FT platform.

Similar effect can happen on other story warp instances (e.g. Bidet elevator, Boss penthouse elevator), but can't think of how this glitch be useful for those other instances.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 2 years ago
SpectralPlatypus gefällt das.

Push-up animation can be used to clip into objects. This in itself can lead to (inconsistent) wall clips, but when combined with ragdoll and weapon wheel, it allows dude to travel very fast:

Mall to Dam:

Lodge to The Zag:

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Leaderboard Changelog (1/27/23)

Hello! Just here to inform about four things regarding the boards that have been changed.

  • The formatting of the rules have been changed to be much nicer to read, and to be more in line with other games in the series with how the formatting is.
  • The Alpha runs have been removed and we are now
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