Console (like Xbox and PS3) cheats %, you can use all cheat codes for the game and otherwise it is just inbounds no SLA
I mean consoles don't have their own leaderboards and even then sv_cheats 1 exists. If consoles do get leaderboards (which they should) we can return to this idea as a CE.
As I always say, please, do the category request on the forums of the category extensions, since there will almost certainly not be a new main category unless a new game breaking mechanic is found, and yet I doubt it would happen. The correct place to request them would be this: The main issue of the requested category would be, aside from the fact that it doesn't follow the category submission rules ( ), that there's already a sv_cheats 1 and 0 and noclip category. I do not know how different are cheat codes on console but I would imagine there couldn't be a significant different among all these. However, if I am mistaken, please request it in the forum above and it will be discussed. Thank you for your particiaption.
First of all, please stop submitting categories here. It's explained above.
Second of all, Suicide% already exists.
Why are you guys ignoring the player that has the most knowlage of this conversation? Thats quite rude.
Starting now and currently being grandfathered, all console runs will be manually retimed with load times removed. This process will be redone by the verification team anyway, so don't worry about doing it yourself when submitting. Massive shoutouts to Tactix1 for doing this basically single handedl